Page 9 - APN Jan 2017
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Aussie pig industry driving efficiency together
IT is time to buy your ticket and join represent- atives from the Austral- ian pig industry as they fly into the Gold Coast for the 2018 biennial Pan Pacific Pork Expo.
Registrations are now open for the two-day event
held at the Gold Coast Convention and Exhibi- tion Centre, Broadbeach Queensland on May 30 and 31, 2018.
Pig industry representa- tives will gather to discuss issues and learn about the most recent information
and technology available to the industry.
Both a trade show and conference, the agenda is filled with a comprehen- sive program of technical presentations, workshops and trade displays aimed to help Aussie producers ap-
ply best practices on farm to ensure a profitable and sustainable pig industry.
Building off previous years’ efforts, the PPPE 2018 theme is ‘Driving Efficiency Together’.
PPPE 2018 Commit- tee chairman Mr Andrew Johnson said, “The theme is about calling on produc- ers and industry stakehold- ers to collaborate and adopt cost production efficiencies in order to overcome the challenges facing the in- dustry and to remain glob- ally competitive.”
Australian Pork Limited CEO Andrew Spencer said the event provides a great opportunity to net- work with and learn from others in the industry.
“The industry has had a rough 12 months,” he said. “We have lessons to learn from each other, opportunities to embrace and new research and
technologies to adopt.
“As an industry, we need to keep looking forward to remain sustainable and responsible.
“This is a fantastic op- portunity and crucial to the development of our industry.”
In supporting produc- ers, the PPPE Commit- tee is again providing an APL Member ‘Attend- ance Assistance Package’ of return airfares plus ac- commodation to ensure the greatest numbers of industry participants are able to attend PPPE 2018.
There are still sponsor- ship and exhibition spaces available.
For exhibition, spon- sorship or registration inquiries, contact pppe@ or call Rachel Blake on 02 6270 8807.
Visit for further information on the event and how you can be involved.
Australian Pork Newspaper, January 2018 – Page 9
Allowing trade to flourish organically
INTERNATIONAL demand for premium organic produce is on the rise, and the Aus- tralian Government is reviewing regulations on the export of organ- ics to ensure Australian producers can take full advantage of these op- portunities.
Head of Exports Divi- sion at the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources Fran Freeman encouraged interested parties to have their say on the regulation of trade in organic products be- fore February 23, 2018.
“We’ve seen unprec- edented international demand for premium or- ganic produce in recent years, driven in part by a rapidly growing Asian middle class,” Ms Free- man said.
“Australia’s clean and green reputation puts primary producers in a strong position to help meet the world’s appetite for high-quality organic products.
“The department has appointed Deloitte to prepare an independent review of the export or- ders for organic products, aimed at improving ac- cess for Australian organ- ic products into premium markets and increasing the competitiveness of the sector.
“I encourage produc- ers, certifiers, processors, peak bodies and anyone else with an interest in the organics sector to log in and have their say.”
The industry is also working towards a new national representative body to have one voice for the organic industries at national and state level, with broad representation from all sectors.
“The industry group leading the process has released a roadmap to a national unified voice by June 2018,” Ms Freeman said.
“A Love Organic event will be held in Canberra on February 14 and 15 to celebrate the progress made and plan for the steps ahead.
“This all comes under the Organics Action Plan, involving the Australian Government and indus- try, aimed at building a stronger Australian or- ganics sector and generat- ing greater opportunities for farmers to share their premium produce with the world.”
Under the Agricultural Competitiveness White Paper’s Agricultural Trade and Market Ac- cess Co-operation grant program, the Australian Government has:
• Offered the organics industry up to $100,000 on a matching basis to support its development of an organics export strat- egy; and
• Awarded $70,000 to support market access gains through the use of the Organic Mark.
Submissions are open now and close on Febru- ary 23.
To have your say on the organic export orders re- view, register under the ‘Stay Informed’ box at haveyoursay.agriculture. review
For more informa- tion on improvements to trade in organics, visit controlled-goods/organic- bio-dynamic/accessing- premium-markets-organ ic-products.
For more information on the roadmap to creating a national unified voice for the organic sector, head to onevoice.organicindus
You can also follow the process on Facebook at dAust#, Twitter at twit and LinkedIn at linkedin. com/company/18133960