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Jefo to invest $30 million in a new production plant
JEFO, a global leader in high-performance non- medicated nutritional solutions for animals, officially announced its plan to build a new 200,000sq ft production plant in Saint-Hyacinthe, Canada.
This new building will be located in the Théo- Phénix Industrial Park.
The area, acquired in 2018, is strategic due to its proximity to other Jefo Group facilities, which include, among others, a transportation company, a trans-shipment site, re- search centres for poultry nutrition, warehouses, the production plant and the Jefo Campus that was in- augurated in 2017 to be- come Jefo’s headquarters,
a centre for knowledge exchange on agribusiness and a privileged meeting venue for leaders of all industries in the region of Saint-Hyacinthe.
Jefo Group vice presi- dent Jean-François Fon- taine said, “We aim to generate $1 billion in rev- enue by 2025, so this pro- ject is necessary to sup- port our current growth and ambitious goal.”
“In addition to increas- ing our production capac- ity, the new production plant will reduce the risk of producing in a single facility.”
The first phase of the project consists of two production lines, with po- tential expansion to six lines, which translates to
the creation of 20 new jobs in the near future and 60 in the long run.
Jefo’s current production plant features four pro- duction lines that generate more than 5000 tonnes of animal feed additives annually.
These products are mar- keted in more than 80 countries.
Founded in 1982, the family owned company employs over 320 people globally.
Jefo aims to improve an- imal health and increase human longevity by of- fering better sources of protein for the growing population.
Jefo wishes to improve
animal health and in- crease human longevity by feeding growing popu- lations with better protein sources.
With its ‘life, made easier commitment in mind’, Jefo uses a prac- tical approach to share its results based on com- plex scientific research and testing methods, while implementing dif- ferent solutions via its programs for the differ- ent life stages of produc- tion animals: Jefo Care – Health and Prevention; Jefo Peak – Performance and Production; and Jefo Cycle –Reproduction.
For further information, please visit
African swine fever
spreads to 22 provinces
in China as Year of the
Pig begins
AUTHORITIES in China are scram- bling to stem the rapid spread of the African swine fever, with more than 600,000 pigs culled in 22 provinces since August.
Key points
Authorities banned the feeding of kitchen scraps and quarantined impacted farms.
Officials said the outbreak was under control in September when five provinces were affected.
There are concerns pork prices may jump dramatically in 2019 due to the virus.
The Ministry of Ag- riculture and Rural Affairs said there had been 87 confirmed outbreaks identified in China, the world’s big- gest pork producer.
The virus was first
detected in the north- eastern Liaoning province and has now reached farms out- side major cities like Shanghai and Beijing.
The culling of more than 600,000 pigs in the lead-up to lunar New Year celebrations, and particularly as the Chinese Zodiac enters the year of the pig, has also raised concerns about whether pork will be in short supply.
There are an estimat- ed 680 million pigs in China, which accounts for more than half the world’s pork produc- tion.
This year alone there have been over 360,000 global cas- es of ASF across 19 countries, including large breakouts in Rus- sia, Romania and the Ivory Coast.
Page 10 – Australian Pork Newspaper, February 2019

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