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Sarah Jenkin
APIAM Animal Health has announced the ap- pointment of Dr Tom Harrison and Dr Sarah Jenkin as joint business managers of the Apiam companies that service the Australian pig indus- try.
Apiam provides the Aus- tralian pig industry with a fully integrated and com- prehensive service model that encompasses the entire swine production system, with veterinary and technical services through Portec Veterinary Services (WA) and Chris Richards & Associates (eastern Australia), artifi- cial insemination services through Pork Storks Aus- tralia and diagnostic ser- vices and bespoke vaccine solutions from recently acquired ACE Laboratory Services.
Dr Sarah Jenkin joined the Apiam vet team in 2010.
Sarah graduated with a veterinary degree from Massey University, and in 2018 was awarded a Mas- ter of Veterinary Studies in Epidemiology.
In her role as a senior swine veterinary consult- ant, Sarah has a special interest in improving re- production performance, data analysis of produc- tion patterns of disease and extensive experience in boar stud health and management.
With her role as an A PIQ auditor for sev- en years, Sarah is well known throughout the in- dustry for her knowledge of quality systems across production methods and boar studs.
Dr Tom Harrison graduated from Charles Sturt University in 2013, progressing directly into rural veterinary practice, initially in the Goulburn Valley and then in the
United Kingdom.
Tom joined the Apiam
vet team in 2017 where he provides veterinary and production advice to some of Australia’s high- est-performing produc- tion systems.
His special interests include development of high-performance pro- duction teams through benchmarking production performance and focusing on high-return activities such as day one pig care and gilt management.
Both Tom and Sarah will continue to provide these leading services to Apiam clients in conjunc- tion with their new roles.
Dr Chris Richards, in announcing the new ap- pointments, said both Sarah and Tom had wide-ranging experience and dedicated industry knowledge across all the pig businesses, ensuring Apiam will continue to provide world-class ser- vices to clients and con- tinue to be at the forefront of bringing new technol- ogies to industry.
Dr Richards said he was also proud of the fact these appointments are aligned with Apiam’s succession planning pro- gram, which rewards long-term employees who demonstrate the integrity, skill develop- ment and leadership qualities required to guide the success of the company into the future.
“The global swine world is currently being challenged on a number of fronts, and having Tom and Sarah lead our swine team will ensure we con- tinue to be at the fore- front of pig veterinary and production advice, and continue to invest in technologies to ensure our clients have sustain- able production systems,”
Dr Richards said.
New team members
strengthen services and customer focus
Apiam Animal Health has also welcomed the ar- rival of three key mem- bers within the Apiam Swine Team: Dr Bri Fre- drich, Dr Ruel Pagoto and Sam Custodio.
“The new staff members bring a wealth of know- ledge and experience across Australian and in- ternational pig markets to the Apiam Swine Team, providing exciting devel- opment opportunities that will further strengthen the services we provide to our clients,” Dr Richards said.
Dr Fredrich and Dr Pagoto provide additional veterinary expertise to the Apiam Swine Team.
Previously employed by one of the largest swine integrators in the US, Dr Fredrich brings a fresh perspective backed by ex- tensive hands-on experi- ence to the Apiam Swine Team.
Dr Fredrich graduated as a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine from the Uni- versity of Tennessee in 2016.
In the US she provided veterinary oversight to 55,000 sows and their wean-to-market grow- outs.
With a special interest in day one pig care, farrow- ing house management, mycoplasma elimination and biosecurity, Dr Fre- drich said she was looking forward to providing in- sight to Apiam clients into larger production system practices as well as a fresh approach to everyday pro- tocols.
Dr Fredrich was direct- ly involved in the recent ASF outbreak simulation exercise undertaken by the US pig industry.
This brings valuable ex- perience to our industry as we continue to imple- ment best practice bio- security and develop the industry response to an ASF incursion.
Dr Pagoto brings 20 years’ experience in pig- gery and poultry produc- tion.
First in the Philippines, where he graduated with a veterinary degree, and upon arrival in Australia where he gained criti- cal experience in pig and poultry production under local conditions.
Attaining another DVM at the University of Ad- elaide in 2014, Dr Pagoto broadened his experience working as a swine tech- nical vet for Boehringer Ingelheim.
Joining the Apiam team in 2019, Dr Pagoto’s key focus areas have been respiratory disease, vet- erinary pathology and in- ternal medicine.
Sam Custodio, the new Swine, Business Account Manager, will focus on improving client engage- ment and Apiam’s client value proposition.
Mr Custodio has ex-
tensive experience in the pharmaceutical industry with Boehringer Ingel- heim where he managed the swine team.
His first-hand experi- ence across Australia’s swine production systems provides valuable insight into the industry and how best Apiam can support clients.
In introducing the three new members of the Swine Team, Dr Rich- ards said he was looking forward to them building strong client relationships as they work to evolve, improve and grow the ser- vices Apiam delivers.
The new appointments join an experienced Swine Team at Apiam with ex- tensive skills across all aspects of swine veteri- nary, reproduction and production.
The Apiam team is com- mitted to assisting pro- ducers to produce sustain- able production systems with extensive experience in reducing antimicrobial use, biosecurity systems, welfare systems and ap- plying new and emerging technologies to pork pro- duction systems.
Apiam Animal Health enters new era through key appointments to Swine Team
Germany and
Poland discuss
new action to stop
spread of African
swine fever
GERMANY and Po- land are discussing new action to prevent the spread of African swine fever in wild boars in Poland close to the German border, including border fences and increased hunting of the animals.
Poland recorded 55 outbreaks of African swine fever in wild boars in December, the World Organisation for Animal Health said.
The disease was found only 30km from Germany, one of Eu- rope’s major pork ex- porters.
Asian countries in- cluding China regular- ly impose import bans on pork from regions where the disease has been discovered, caus- ing huge loss of busi- ness for meat export- ers.
Wild boars are spreading ASF and there are fears in- fected animals could bring the disease into Germany, threatening Germany’s huge pork exports to China.
Germany’s Agri- culture Minister Julia Kloeckner and Polish Agriculture Minis- ter Jan Krzysztof Ar-
danowski met in Ber- lin and agreed on new measures to jointly contain the ASF out- break in Poland and prevent it spreading to Germany, the German Agriculture Ministry said.
“Discussions include setting up a fenced cor- ridor along the border to prevent infected wild boar moving into Germany,” the minis- try said.
The two countries will discuss whether Germany’s civil de- fence force should help setting up fencing.
German regional state governments in Brandenburg and Saxony have already started building fences along the Polish bor- der in an attempt to stop infected wild boar roaming into Germany.
The two ministers also agreed to prepare a joint statement about “a drastic reduction in the wild boar density, for example through shooting as an effective preventative measure”.
Germany has already relaxed some restric- tions on wild boar hunting.
Bri Fredrich
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Page 10 – Australian Pork Newspaper, February 2020