Page 13 - Australian Pork Newspaper
P. 13
Pump as good as Arnold Schwarzenegger
THE Herd Group is an Australian-owned com- pany supplying high- quality lamb, mutton and beef as well as a number of further-pro- cessed foods and small- goods to both local and overseas markets.
Founded in 1951 and based in Geelong, Vic- toria, the company em- ploys over 380 staff.
The company continu- ally strives to excel in all it does and is com- mitted to quality at eve- ry stage of processing.
As such, it only uses the best equipment to ensure best perform- ance in all facets of the process.
When Graeme Spence of Hydro Innovations called by to see what Herd Group used for wastewater pumps, he met with engineering manager Trevor Egan.
Trevor was kind
enough to describe his wastewater system to Graeme, pointing out the wastewater pumps were Gorman-Rupp, with some being in ser- vice for about 30 years.
“The pumps operate 24/7 – they may look like s**t, but they pump as good as Arnold Schwarzenegger,” Tre- vor said.
The Herd Group pumps are part of Gor- man-Rupp’s ‘Classic T’ range of self-priming wastewater pumps, which have now been superseded by the Su- per T series.
The new Super T models are the same dimensionally and hy- draulically as the line they replaced but have enhanced servicing and safety features accord- ing to Graeme.
Internal clearances can be adjusted in min-
utes without having to disconnect the pump from piping or with- out opening the pump, meaning pumps can maintain peak efficien- cies for the life of the installation, delivering energy savings to asset owners.
Gorman-Rupp pumps are predominantly used in the food process in- dustry, particularly by companies that don’t compromise on safety and reliability.
Because they are sur- face mounted, operators have easy access for monitoring and main- tenance, and because they are cast, machined, assembled and tested in the US, reliability, performance and parts support are guaranteed.
For more informa- tion on Gorman-Rupp pumps, visit hydroinno
Waste abattoir pump.
Port of Darwin.
Northern Territory’s biosecurity homework three and a half years late
DESPITE the Northern Territory government having three years, with a six-month extension, to meet the biosecurity requirements for the Port of Darwin, it has failed to hand the work in on time.
The Federal Minister for Agriculture David Littleproud said bio- security is not to be taken lightly, and states and territories must meet the Australian standards.
“No operator within the Port of Darwin has demonstrated compli- ance with the standard for non-commercial vessels,” Minister Lit- tleproud said.
It has been made clear to the Northern Terri- tory government the de- cision would be made on its behalf if it didn’t meet the December deadline for biosecurity standards.
“Leaving gaps in Aus- tralia’s biosecurity is not an option,” he said.
“There is no exemp- tion.
“Australia’s agricul- tural industries provide an important source to the nation’s wealth, as well as to the liveli- hoods of those on the land and the food that ends up on our tables.
“It could all come crashing down if we don’t protect valuable industries from pests and diseases.
“With African swine fever to Darwin’s north, it would be foolish in the extreme to have a biosecurity hole in the Port of Darwin.
“The Northern Ter- ritory government has had ample time to do the work and should be embarrassed it hasn’t.
“As a result, it gets an ‘F’ for failure.”
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Technical Services Manager – Pacific
mob: 0412 888 485
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Rick Carter, PhD
Australian Pork Newspaper, March 2020 – Page 13
Matt Henry
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