Page 13 - Australian Pork Newspaper
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Mice on the march throughout NSW
AS mice numbers have increased in parts of the western region and soared in pockets throughout NSW, it is important landholders conduct thorough checks of paddocks, as well as sheds and machinery, for signs of mice activity.
and Development Cor- poration recognises the enormity of the mouse problem and the se- vere impact it has on businesses, families, communities and the broader industry.
ongoing mouse-related research, development and extension initia- tives.
update local data using the MouseAlert website – sealert/
Until recently, explo- sions in mouse popula- tions in grain-growing areas were often fol- lowed by population crashes and consecutive years of little activity and damage.
In response to the increasing prevalence of mice in many key grain-growing regions of Australia, the GRDC has injected a further $4.1 million into mouse control research, devel- opment and extension initiatives.
If mice are becoming an increasing problem in your area, the GRDC and CSIRO have the latest advice and infor- mation to help manage the issue.
Five quick tips for mouse control
• After harvest and prior to sowing, mini- mise sources of food and shelter, and control weeds and volunteer crops along fence lines, clean up residual grain by grazing or rolling stubbles.
However, mice now appear to have be- come a more persistent problem, with base populations carrying over from one year to the next, particularly in parts of the southern and northern cropping regions.
The three key in- vestments to be led by CSIRO will focus on understanding mouse ecology, biology and management, in- creasing surveillance and mouse feeding preferences.
• Apply bait at seeding or within 24 hours – while seed is still cov- ered by soil increasing the likelihood of mice taking the bait prior to finding the seed, and rebait through the season as needed
These rodent con- trol products are not restricted and can be purchased from rural supply stores.
It is believed current farming systems – no- till, stubble retention – could be contributing to mice becoming an an- nual rather than cyclical problem.
The GRDC is com- mitted to exploring all options in an effort to provide growers with better mouse control solutions.
• Timing is critical – delays of 4-5 days in baiting after seeding can give mice time to find crop seed and high populations can cause up to 5 percent damage each night
The store's agrono- mist should be able to help you and provide advice on the products they sell.
The Grains Research
• Monitor and check paddocks regularly, and
For further informa- tion, visit
In addition to the new investments, the GRDC will continue to support a wide range of other
A complete list of currently registered products is available at
• Apply broad scale zinc phosphide bait – according to the label, at the prescribed rate of 1kg/ha
While currently no permit allows Local Land Services to pro- duce a baited product for mice control, a wide range of baits are regis- tered for use on mice.
Consumers are almost entirely unaware of the fact that the majority of Australia’s ham and bacon is made with imported pork.
Made from imported meat
EACH week imported pork arrives on Aus- tralia’s shores, directly impacting the profit- ability of pork producers and driving the need to differentiate local pork products from imported.
obtaining clear campaign results.
by the APL insights and marketing team, as well as an external research agency.
Australian Pork Lim- ited’s key learning from research conducted by its insights team in 2018 is that consumers are almost entirely unaware of the fact that the majority of Australia’s ham and bacon is made with imported pork.
The campaign is under- pinned by two TV com- mercials which, while entertaining to hopefully captivate consumers, are focussed on educational messaging.
These results will help understand whether awareness of imported pork motivates consumers to find and purchase ham and bacon made with Australian pork.
This means directives to look for Australian pork in ham and bacon cur- rently lacks meaning to consumers, as they believe they are already buying Australian pork products.
The first is centred on raising awareness of the percentage of imported pork in Australia, fol- lowed by a prompt for shoppers to look for a nearly full bar chart on the country of origin label, to ensure the ham they pur- chase has been made with Australian pork.
It will also pave the way for future commu- nications and campaigns around imported pork messaging, creating op- portunities for producers and the supply chain by differentiating ham and bacon made with Aus- tralian pork.
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Naturally ahead
In response to this, on March 14 APL launched a campaign in Adelaide to run until the end of June, to educate and raise awareness around the prevalence of imported pork and how to find ham and bacon made with Australian pork.
The second commercial focusses on why shoppers should choose ham using Australian pork, as well as further reinforcement to look for a full bar on the country of origin label.
This campaign was ini- tially launched early last year, however was cut short due to COVID-19, as the unusual market condi- tions prevented APL from
The campaign will also be supported by public relations, through a local Adelaide agency, social media through our Aussie Bacon and Ham Facebook page, and in-store point of sale materials in butcher shops and independent Adelaide retailers.
Look for a nearly full bar chart on the country of origin label to ensure the ham purchased was made with Australian pork.
Australian Pork Newspaper, April 2021 – Page 13
The results of the cam- paign will be received from July onwards and will be carefully analysed

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