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Policy priorities African swine fever and biosecurity
Policy Perspective
Australia’s biosecurity system is fundamental to the success of our agri- cultural industries, and to the health of our natural environment, communi-
Photo: Livestock Industries
Pork Industry Calendar of Events
MAY 4-5 (POSTPONED) – Pan Paci c Pork Expo (PPPE), Gold Coast E:
AUG tbc – Kingaroy Baconfest
SEP 7-10 – International Animal ProductionShow www.feriazaragoza. com/ gan-2021
NOV 15-18 – Australasian Pig Science Association (APSA) Conference
NOV 21-23 – AVAMS21, Gold Coast
How to supply event details: Send all details to Australian Pork Newspaper, PO Box 162, Wynnum, Qld 4178, call 07 3286 1833 or email:
07 3286 1833
THE foundation for my new role at Australian Pork Limited, as a policy analyst working across biosecurity and animal welfare, was sparked by a passion for pigs and the industry from growing up on a family hobby farm.
In partnership with these agencies, we are working to ensure the pork industry is adequately prepared for and can respond to the threat of ASF.
erty that are destroyed or animals that die because of an EAD outbreak or in response to an outbreak.
At university, I explored this interest through my electives and ‘pig club’, and graduated with a Bachelor of Science (Animal Sci- ence).
One way we are accom- plishing this is by contrib- uting to Exercise Razor- back in March, which is testing and refining the movement controls of live pigs, pig products and semen during a simulated EAD response.
The pig section was last updated in 2011 and is being amended to reflect industry requirements and current market valuation practices for pigs.
Before joining APL ear- lier this year, I worked for the Department of Agricul- ture, Water and the Envi- ronment in the biosecurity and animal welfare areas.
ties and economy.
With the ever-present
The outcomes of this ex- ercise will support changes to AUSVETPLAN – a co- ordinated national response plan for the control and eradication of high impact animal diseases such as ASF.
The APL policy team are committed to ensuring the pork industry is ade- quately prepared and able to quickly respond to an incursion of ASF and other EADs.
threat of African swine fever, biosecurity and emergency animal disease preparedness are a high priority for the APL policy team.
To support this, we are working closely with An- imal Health Australia to ensure our industry repre- sentatives are prepared and trained to take an active role in an EAD response through Consultative Com- mittee on Emergency Animal Disease, National Management Group and Liaison - Livestock In- dustry training.
Biosecurity should be a prioritised shared respon- sibility of governments, industry and the broader community.
Other aspects of our focus on EAD prepared- ness has been to guide the review and amendment of the pig section in the AUS- VETPLAN Valuation and Compensation operational manual.
APL strongly believes this can be achieved by collaborating and strength- ening our working relation- ship with state and territory governments, as well as DAWE.
This manual describes the operational procedures for valuation and compen- sation for animals or prop-
For further information, contact Charley Ford at
New website for animal industries antimicrobial stewardship
* from P1
orities for the effective
This strategy sets out the framework and how it was used to iden- tify priority AMU and AMR R&D and how those outputs feed up through the logic to enhance AMS, through extension.
Hewson said, “This conference will provide those who manage an- imal health in all sec- tors the opportunity to contribute to, and learn about, the growing number of antimicro- bial stewardship initia- tives underway in Aus- tralia and develop col- laborative opportuni- ties to strengthen these initiatives and address barriers that impede further progress in anti- microbial stewardship.”
more that can be done to capture current ef- forts and clarify areas that require further pro- gress.
fections, which are a common complication of respiratory diseases such as those caused by COVID-19, is now more important than it has been in a generation.
monitoring of AMU and surveillance of AMR to inform stewardship ac- tions that meet Austral- ia’s animal health and market access needs, without impacting food safety or human health.
Formalised under the AIAS RD&E Strategy, the website is self- sustainable with con- tributions through the Australian Veterinary Antimicrobial Steward- ship conference, which will be held at the Inter- continental Sanctuary Cove, Gold Coast in Queensland from No- vember 21-23, 2021.
“All animal sectors have the dual respon- sibilities of minimising the development of an- timicrobial resistance, while upholding our collective responsibility to ensure high standards of animal health and welfare are maintained.
“We must ensure the animal sector is doing all it can to use antimi- crobials responsibly to manage animal health and welfare while mini- mising its contribution to the AMR burden.
Through this strategy, animal industries could maintain access to an- timicrobials provided their use was:
“While the COVID-19 pandemic has shifted global focus to human health, we must con- tinue to focus on making improvements in animal health to minimise the potential risks to animal and human health, such as AMR.
“I look forward to wel- coming you to the Gold Coast in 2021, where there will be plenty of opportunity to expand professional networks and hopefully leave the conference with a re- solve to action changes in your sector.”
• Reviewed using evi- dence-based science
“Australian ap- proaches to the appro- priate use of antimicro- bials in animals have always had their basis in the principles of antimi- crobial stewardship and lead the world in many of these initiatives,” Dr Hewson said.
• Responsible and ap- propriately managed the risks of AMR develop- ment
• Continuously refined and reduced
Australian Chicken Meat Federation deputy executive director and chair of the organ- ising committee for AVAMS21 Dr Kylie
• Managing the risk of having to replace effec- tive antimicrobials with less effective antimicro- bials.
“However, there is
“The efficacy of an- timicrobials to treat human bacterial in-
For more information, visit aiasrdestrategy.
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Page 2 – Australian Pork Newspaper, April 2021

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