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* Regulation No 1115/2014, No 1016/2013 &
No 1060/2013
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Naturally ahead
Police were called to Carey Bros Abattoir at Yangan around 3.30am during a day of protesting, with reports around 20 protestors had unlawfully entered the facility. Photo: @GreenShirtsQLD
New criminal penalties to protect farmers
A RE-ELECTED Mor- rison Government will introduce a new offence designed specifically to protect farmers and primary producers from the unlawful actions of animal activists.
“We have seen with Aussie Farms the mali- cious use of personal information, including farmers’ names, addresses and workplaces, designed specifically to encour- age others to trespass on properties and damage businesses,” the Attorney- General said.
“This is not acceptable and the Morrison Govern- ment will, if re-elected, introduce a new crimi- nal offence specifically designed to protect Aus- tralian farmers from the sort of vigilante action we have seen recently.
“Penalties of up to 12 months’ imprisonment will apply to individuals who use a carriage ser- vice, such as the internet, to disclose personal infor- mation with the intention that another person would use that information to trespass on agricultural land.
“The law would also ap- ply to other primary pro- ducers such as abattoirs.”
The Attorney-General said the new laws would include appropriate ex- emptions for bona-fide journalists and for situa- tions where the informa- tion being released shows
a law being broken, such as whistle-blowing on animal cruelty.
The new criminal of- fence and penalties build on other actions taken by the Morrison Government against vigilante animal activists, including pre- scribing Aussie Farms under the Privacy Act, meaning the organisation could face fines of up to $2.1 million for breach- es of the Act and asking states and territories to consider their own tres- pass laws.
Minister for Agriculture David Littleproud said farming families deserved protection.
“I’ve been fighting this Aussie Farms attack map for activists for months and this is a great day,” Minister Littleproud said.
“If you use the personal information of our family farmers to incite trespass, then you deserve to go to jail.
“Farming families grow our food and there are children on these farms.
“Now states must beef up farm trespass laws – if 100 of my mates stormed a house in Sydney we’d expect to be locked up and farmers deserve the same protection.
“The Morrison Govern- ment will always protect farmers while ensuring those who mistreat their animals face appropriate action.”
Protection and Profit
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A single vaccination (2 mL) to pigs from 3 weeks of age* Rapid onset of immunity with long-term protection Reduces viral load and shedding
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* During the fattening period. Refer to registered product label for full claim details. Refer to Technical brochure for details of trial data.
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Amanda Vardanega 0427 011 579
Reducing antimicrobial use for respiratory disease in growing pigs: A case study
☛ from P6
and times of the year. Ventilation equipment controllers were poorly calibrated and poorly
Resolving the case
Facility and equipment maintenance were re- viewed.
Curtains were repaired or replaced.
Controllers were calibrat- ed and repaired to ensure temperature and ventilation settings were appropriate for each age group.
Batch size and distribu- tion were reviewed to en- sure greater consistency in the number of pigs placed each week.
The vaccination strategy was changed to improve respiratory disease con- trol.
Autogenous APP vacci- nation was introduced at 63 and 84 days of age.
Since mid-2014, the number of pigs placed each week has varied from 1790 to 1912. Con- tinuous in-feed medica- tions were replaced with strategic water medication for groups.
Staff training in rec- ognising early signs of disease and appropriate individual treatment was introduced and continu- ally reinforced.
The full description of this case, presented by Dr Bernie Gleeson, can be found in the
Antimicrobial prescrib- ing guidelines for pigs at
Dr Ross Cutler
Australian Pork Newspaper, May 2019 – Page 7

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