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How APRIL will tackle commercialisation
THE Australasian Pork Research Institute Ltd commercialisation advi- sory panel, referred to as ACAP, was announced in last month’s edition of this publication.
verting an ‘idea’ to a suc- cessful industry applica- tion in the market ranges between 5-20 percent.
also provide the innovator with industry insights, possible barriers the idea will need to overcome and suggestions that will improve the pathways to commercialisation and adoption.
novative commercial pipe- line for APRIL with ben- efits to industry.
novator looking for a green light.
This is a new initia- tive to preview potential commercialisation ideas and opportunities prior to a formal application to APRIL for support.
to APRIL for reinvestment in future APRIL activities, including commercialisa- tion.
spectroscopic technologies to assess carcass traits and water quality.
These odds are im- proved as the idea passes through each stage such as screening, market analysis, proof-of-concept, valida- tion testing, commerciali- sation and adoption.
The intention of the ACA P is to provide a sounding board to the in- novator.
The panel will convene again next month to re- view several interesting ideas that have recently come across my desk as potential commercial ap- plications.
If you have an idea for the ACAP or wish to discuss in more detail how the ACAP functions, contact Dr Charles Rikard-Bell com- mercialisation and research impact manager at APRIL on au or 0439 513 723.
In this article, I would like to expand on this and other areas in which APRIL will use the panel. Maximising the current commercial portfolio
To ensure these products continue to grow and meet market needs, the ACAP will review APRIL’s cur- rent portfolio milestones annually and make any recommendations.
The pipeline products and technologies originate from proof-of-concept or innovation studies.
Use of the ACAP to re- view potential commer- cialisation opportunities will not only provide a screening process but will
The process will improve the odds of successful admissions and assist in maintaining a healthy in-
These are rewarding ses- sions for the panel and the innovator, with the ACAP having the interesting task of determining ‘the fit’ for the market and for the in-
Any questions regarding commercialisation or in- novation applications can also be directed to Dr Charles Rikard-Bell.
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APRIL has a number of existing commercial li- cense agreements such as AusScan Online – feed grain NIR calibrations, Ridley SowBlock – en- richment for sows, Piglet Buddy – an appetite en- hancer for weaner pigs, and a quantitative poly- merase chain reaction test for lawsonia intracellu- laris.
The panel will also ad- vise on intellectual prop- erty management as new markets for these products are developed.
The ACAP will be in- strumental in critiquing a pathway for such new products and technologies through to commerciali- sation by reviewing key questions, including:
These agreements pro- vide valuable industry tools as well as contribu- tion to a revenue stream
• And most importantly, is the technology still rel- evant to today’s industry? Improving the odds of success
Critiquing the commer- cialisation pipeline
• Are the right partners on board?
In recent years, APRIL has been working hard building its commercial pipeline, with projects focussing on diagnostics to assess the welfare and disease states of the pig, as well as the potential ap- plication of near-infrared
• What are the benefits to the industry?
• What are the benefits to APRIL?
The literature indicates that the probability of con-
AusScan Early Harvest Report: March 2021
Energy Values for Cereal Grains
Pig Faecal DE MJ/Kg
Mean SD Min Max
Pig Ileal DE MJ/Kg
Mean SD Min Max
Broiler AME MJ/Kg
Mean SD Min Max
Broiler AME Index
Mean SD Min Max
12.4 0.07 12.3 12.4
10.2 0.18 10.0 10.4
11.7 0.56 11.3 12.1
13.3 0.16 12.9 14.1
10.7 0.30 10.0 12.4
12.0 0.20 11.6 13.0
70.64 2.06 66.27 79.16
12.5 0.15 12.1 12.9
10.2 0.32 9.4 10.8
11.6 0.40 10.9 12.3
12.4 0.14 12.0 12.7
10.1 0.23 9.5 10.7
11.5 0.24 10.9 12.1
13.3 0.27 12.3 13.7
10.7 0.21 10.0 11.2
12.4 0.16 11.8 13.6
10.2 0.35 9.4 11.9
11.6 0.39 10.6 13.3
Pig Faecal DE MJ/Kg
Mean SD Min Max
Pig Ileal DE MJ/Kg
Mean SD Min Max
Broiler AME MJ/Kg
Mean SD Min Max
Broiler AME Index
Mean SD Min Max
14.5 0.21 13.8 14.8
11.8 0.35 11.1 12.7
14.5 0.25 13.9 14.9
Pig Faecal DE MJ/Kg
Mean SD Min Max
Pig Ileal DE MJ/Kg
Mean SD Min Max
Broiler AME MJ/Kg
Mean SD Min Max
Broiler AME Index
Mean SD Min Max
13.7 0.12 13.5 13.9
12.0 0.16 11.7 12.3
Pig Faecal DE MJ/Kg
Mean SD Min Max
Pig Ileal DE MJ/Kg
Mean SD Min Max
Broiler AME MJ/Kg
Mean SD Min Max
Broiler AME Index
Mean SD Min Max
13.7 0.11 13.7 13.8
11.8 0.19 11.7 11.9
12.8 0.34 12.6 12.9
13.9 0.17 13.2 14.2
11.9 0.35 10.5 12.5
12.7 0.24 11.8 13.2
76.96 2.49 67.36 81.6
13.7 0.10 13.6 14.0
11.8 0.18 11.6 12.3
12.8 0.33 12.0 13.5
13.7 0.10 13.2 13.8
11.7 0.18 10.9 12.1
12.7 0.33 11.3 13.6
14.1 0.22 13.0 14.3
12.3 0.15 11.8 12.5
13.7 0.09 12.5 14.0
11.8 0.18 10.6 12.3
12.7 0.32 11.3 13.7
* Each row represents a Feed Mill in the Region, for example NSW and NSW1 represent different feed mill companies within the state.
For more information visit
Australian Pork Newspaper, May 2021 – Page 15

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