Page 4 - Australian Pork Newspaper
P. 4

Meat processors support RSPCA welfare standards
* from P2
across the supply chain.
ences in how Australian slaughtering establish- ments are regulated be- tween states and territo- ries, and what this means for the welfare of animals at those facilities,” Dr Jones said.
this report, and that is that in many areas – such as CCTV use – there’s still a long way to go before we can say that all animals slaughtered at Australian abattoirs, poultry proces- sors and knackeries are handled and killed hu- manely,” Dr Jones said.
“AMIC strongly agrees with the report recom- mendation to develop a national animal welfare standard to replace the Model Code as a priority,” Mr Hutchinson said.
“Voluntary industry standards that go above minimum regulatory re- quirements can improve animal welfare outcomes when they’re in place.
“AMIC participated in the development of the in- itial draft standards under NSW leadership and, for several years, AMIC has pursued both federal and state regulators to pro- gress the development of the Australian Animal Welfare Standards and Guidelines for Livestock at Processing Establish- ments to implementa- tion.”
“But the public should be able to have confi- dence that all animals in Australia are handled and slaughtered humanely.
“There’s a lot the public doesn’t know about an- imal welfare in Australian slaughtering establish- ments – including even how many animals are being slaughtered.
RSPCA Australia chief scientist Dr Bidda Jones said the report and score- card shone a spotlight on significant gaps in animal welfare regulation across the processing industry.
Dr Jones said the report and scorecard examine seven key measures: animal welfare require- ments, audit frequency, auditor training, over- sight, CCTV use, com- pany training and trans- parency.
“The resumption of pro- gress on the development of the Australian Animal Welfare Standards and Guidelines for Livestock at Processing Establish- ments provides a crucial opportunity to put in place measures to genu- inely improve animal wel- fare and meet the commu- nity’s expectations.”
A rare site in Ubud Bali but a welcome one for a ‘retreating’ meat-eater.
“For a long time, the RSPCA has been con- cerned about the differ-
“One thing is clear from
Meat-eaters put to the sword
“With the current regu- latory system, having that confidence is not always possible.”
“We urge government and industry to take note of this report and score- card.
LIFELONG meat-eaters such as myself are in- creasingly being put to the sword by self-opin- ionated types – most of whom claim to subscribe to values and under- standings they believe escape the likes of me.
showed fresh pork con- sumption may help with cardio-metabolic health and blood-pressure man- agement of Type 2 dia- betes, weight loss and preservation of cognition as part of a healthy di- etary pattern.
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Those types are a mixed bunch and include rabid animal activists, vegan vigilantes, self-righteous vegetarians and occa- sionally even quite rea- sonable flexitarians.
am increasingly disen- chanted by the subtle but often overt preaching that occasionally comes the way of meat-eaters from the supposedly ‘enlight- ened’ non-carnivorous.
That is clearly not a good thing.
According to Project 3B-114 leader Dr Karen Murphy of the University of Adelaide, including fresh lean pork in a healthy dietary pattern in moderation fits with the latest dietary guidelines for good health.
Indeed, my life partner is a lifelong vegetarian and yoga practitioner – albeit she will very oc- casionally tolerate a little seafood when in a stir fry, as a flexitarian ex- ample.
We also need protein to produce enzymes and carry oxygen to our tis- sues.
That project was all about developing a ‘healthy pork’ resource for use by consumers, health professionals and regulatory bodies, and summarising and dissem- inating Pork CRC human nutrition research.
I make the point here that she’s a lifelong ‘vego’ because I think we all see and hear too much and too often from many ‘vegoes’ – but more so vegans, who are all about the fashionable fad rather than the conscious life- style commitment.
If and when allowed the free air to get a word in when such a debate is steaming ahead, I often resort to saying simply that we meat-eaters typi- cally don’t preach and try to convert those who don’t partake.
I recall reading some- where that low protein can cause weight gain and that being deficient in vitamin B12 or co- balamin – which is a common occurrence in vegans and vegetarians – might be a risk factor for coronary artery disease.
Surely maintaining a healthy body, a sound mind and a maybe even a happy soul is about bal- ance.
She’s sensibly never tried too hard to change my ways.
Industry service organi- sations funded by protein producers to promote the interests of meat con- sumption and its market uptake do that job, as well they should.
Research from multiple Pork CRC projects, from 2005 to 2019 under its Healthy Pork Consump- tion program, showed no adverse effects of fresh pork consumption.
To understand some- one’s intention, we’d have to fully understand them, which is simply not pos- sible.
Why would we or why should we?
Pork, however, stacks up well on these fronts and might help us mount a defence when chal- lenged.
Introducing judgment into everything is simply not necessary.
Balance is better.
In return, I happily enjoy her vegetarian cur- ries and such, and when, back in the day, I would join her on her yoga- teaching retreats to Bali, I’d comfortably succumb to a few laid-back days in Ubud eating nothing but vegetarian.
Meat-eaters don’t need my help.
Sorry, but I still struggle to fully understand vegan vigilantes.
In the eyes of the anti- carnivore, the words meat and meat-eater have almost become synonymous with those of murder, gluttony and power (over animals).
More to the point, it
Page 4 – Australian Pork Newspaper, May 2021
However, I must say I
If we don’t take enough in through our diet, our bodies will begin breaking down muscle and tissue to make up for it.
Associate Professor of Nutrition and Dietetics at the University of Adelaide Karen Murphy is also an accredited practicing dietitian and sports dietitian with private practice experience.
Of course, such dishes there are yummy, healthy and cheap.
On the other hand, most vegans promote them- selves as healthier, more enlightened, maybe even more civilised and per- haps purer... the list does go on.
If out and about and I stumbled across an irre- sistible Balinese suckling pig dish, I simply went for it.
I simply can’t and won’t stomach the self- righteousness, bellig- erent chest thumping and finger pointing that all too often occurs.
As I’ve grown older (I can’t bring myself to say matured...), and despite a professional lifetime working with and advo- cating for meat producers, protein manufacturers and marketers of all per- suasions, I now concede that eating a little less meat – particularly red meat – is probably a good thing for one’s health.
Surely, we can all agree that all human bodies need protein.
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