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Successful pig production without zinc oxide
n Part 1 - A holistic strategy to ensure pigs can survive in a post-oxide era
ZINC is an essential trace mineral in pig nu- trition, however zinc in the form of zinc oxide is often used at thera- peutic doses to control post-weaning diarrhoea in piglets.
health risk, and may also impact the absorption of other trace elements such as iron.
Such changes may nega- tively affect intestinal de- velopment and health in young piglets.
The US and some Asian countries
mental pollution and con- tributions to the spread of AMR have led to an EU ban on the use of high levels of ZnO in piglet diets.
 Concerns on the poten- tial risks to the environ- ment has alerted regula- tory authorities and, in some jurisdictions – the European Union as an ex- ample – the use of ZnO will be limited to nutri- tional levels of 150ppm total dietary zinc.
Because the pigs are under such stress, the early post-weaning pe- riod is typically charac- terised by poor growth performance – such as reduced feed intake – and increased susceptibility to post-weaning diarrhoea.
is not yet fully understood, it is believed to be related to a significant improve- ment in both intestinal morphology – improved structure and function – and nutrient digestion and absorption.
Recent studies and re- ports have demonstrated zinc oxide’s contribution to the increase of AMR, as high levels of ZnO may increase the proportion of multi-drug-resistant e coli in the intestines of piglets. Avoiding zinc toxicity
Until recently, zinc oxide was typically included in piglet feeds at 2500– 5000ppm in Canada.
Though there are no restrictions currently in place in these regions, it is vital that swine producers avoid over-use and start the process of working towards ZnO alternatives so that they are prepared when a ban inevitably comes into effect.
Adopting a holistic strategy that encom- passes optimal nutrition, management, biosecurity, health and welfare prac- tices will be key to en- suring that pigs can thrive and survive in a post-zinc oxide era.
Before we discuss pig producers need to be ready to rear their pigs without pharmacological levels of ZnO, it is impor- tant to understand why the use of high levels of zinc oxide in swine nutritional diets has increased dra- matically across the globe in recent years.
Traditionally, pig pro- ducers relied heavily on use of sub-therapeutic levels of antibiotic growth promoters in pre-starter and starter feeds to con- trol pathogenic infections – mainly caused by en- terotoxigenic e coli – and improve pig growth per- formance in the first few weeks after weaning.
Why do authorities reconsider the use of pharmacological levels of ZnO?
Zinc remains a heavy metal and is therefore toxic to many living or- ganisms, including pigs.
However, Canada is now in the midst of imposing similar restrictions to that of the EU, which will see the level of ZnO allowed in piglet feeds reduced down to nutritional levels of 350ppm.
Learn how the Alltech Seed, Feed, Weed solu- tion can help you remove zinc oxide from your piglet diets, and start the conversation with your local Alltech Lienert rep- resentative about how you can begin transitioning to ZnO-free piglet produc- tion.
Where it all began
Following the ban of AGPs in early 2000, pig producers had to seek alternatives to maintain optimal gut health and to reduce this post-weaning performance drop.
Preventing nutritional in- teractions
However, increasing concerns over environ-
Though there are several benefits of using ZnO in piglet feeds – preventing post-weaning diarrhoea, maintaining health and performance and such – recent reports have high- lighted its environmental impact, and we became aware of its contribution to the spread of antimicro- bial resistance.
Studies show that pro- longed use of pharmaco- logical levels of ZnO may negatively affect piglet health and performance, as demonstrated by a marked decrease in feed intake.
The use of high levels of zinc oxide also came under scrutiny in China and as a result, China has already drastically re- duced its level of author- ised dietary zinc supple- mentation from 2250ppm to 1600ppm in 2018.
Until recently, zinc oxide represented one of the vital nutritional strat- egies for preventing and controlling diarrhoea in young piglets and the as- sociated detrimental post- weaning ‘growth check’.
For more information, visit au
Preventing antimicrobial resistance
What is in store for pig-producing countries outside the EU?
It is very likely that the US and some Asian coun- tries will also implement similar restrictions on the use of pharmacological levels of zinc oxide in piglet diets in the near future.
 At weaning, piglets are subject to a multitude of stress factors over a very short period that con- tribute to gastrointestinal tract and immune system disturbances.
• Nutritional – abrupt dietary change from sow milk to a dry pelleted predominantly vegetable- based diet formulation
As a result, the use of high or therapeutic levels – 2000ppm or higher – of zinc oxide in piglet feeds became more widespread and was seen as common practice in the swine in- dustry.
It is therefore not sur- prising that regula- tions around its use are changing and why the EU decided to ban the use of pharmacological levels of zinc oxide in June 2022.
High levels of ZnO can have a negative effect on phytase activity – an en- zyme that is included in piglet feeds to enhance digestion – whereby the phosphorous cannot be released from phytase due to the formation of a complex of zinc with p- phytate.
 These factors can be:
However, it is not all bad news for the European pig industry, as there are several potential benefits to the upcoming ban on ZnO.
• Environmental – moving to new nursery accommodation with dif- ferent housing conditions
It was shown to be an effective and relatively inexpensive tool for pre- venting and controlling post-weaning diarrhoea, with subsequent improve- ments in piglet growth performance, feed intake and digestion.
Some of these benefits are:
When zinc oxide is re- moved from piglet feeds, it should have a positive effect on phytase effi- ciency.
• Health-based – loss of passive immunity from the sow
Reduced environmental pollution
Avoiding changes to gut microbial composition
• Physiological – abrupt maternal separation, being handled and trans- ported and mixing with unfamiliar pigs from other litters.
Though the precise mode of action of ZnO against post-weaning di- arrhoea in weaned piglets
Zinc accumulates in soil after zinc-rich pig manure is applied to the land as an organic fertiliser.
The use of pharmaco- logical doses of ZnO may also cause changes to the gut microbial composition of piglets during the early post-weaning period by suppressing the growth of beneficial bacteria, such as lactobacilli.
These high levels of zinc in the soil and surface water are deemed an en- vironmental pollutant and
Start the conversation with Alltech Lienert about how to begin transitioning to zinc oxide-free piglet production.
Porcine brain tissue trial for treating Parkinson’s disease
 LIVING Cell Technol- ogies has advanced plans for a third clinical trial of NT-Cell in Parkin- son’s disease, following the signing of a research agreement with the Uni- versity of Technology Sydney and the Aus- tralian Foundation for Diabetes Research.
Approval for the use of the encapsulated pig tissue will need to be obtained from a Human Research Ethics Committee and the Therapeutic Goods Ad- ministration.
follows LCT’s announce- ment on January 24 of the signing of a services agreement with NZeno, with the New Zealand biotech breeding and maintaining pigs to pro- vide tissue for the clinical trial.
Living Cell Technologies has advanced plans for a third clinical trial of NT-Cell in Parkinson’s disease.
The NT-Cell clinical trialforpeoplewithearly to mid-stage Parkinson’s disease is likely to be the first xenotransplantation trial carried out in Aus- tralia after earlier trials in New Zealand.
The first trial partici- pants are expected to re- ceive treatment in 2024.
the pressing need for new treatments for Parkinson’s disease and its impact on the community,” Prof Tuch said.
lion people worldwide are living with Parkin- son’s disease, including 100,000 Australians, with the disease estimated to cost the Australian com- munity an estimated $10 billion per year.
More than 10 mil-
  The UTS agreement will allow university facilities to be used to optimise the production of NT-Cell in Australia for the first time, prior to the third clinical trial.
Living Cell Technologies executive chair Professor Bernie Tuch said, “This is another key step as we advance this potentially ground-breaking research in Australia, following in the footsteps of New Zea- land researchers.”
Once approved by im- port authorities, porcine brain tissue (choroid plexus) will be shipped to Sydney from research partner NZeno’s pig fa- cility in Invercargill, New Zealand.
“Optimising the pro- duction of encapsula- tion pig choroid plexus in Australia is a neces- sary measure before it is manufactured under GMP conditions for the clinical trial.
Once the Australian production of NT-Cell has been optimised at UTS, the tissue will be sent to a good manufacturing prac- tice facility, where it will be manufactured under conditions suitable for it to be used clinically.
“We look forward to get- ting this work underway as soon as possible, given
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Page 20 – Australian Pork Newspaper, May 2022

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