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Pig Industry Calendar of Events
JUN 13 - 14 – Alberta Pork Congress, Westerner Park Red Deer, Alberta, Canada www.albertaporkcongress. com
JUN 20 - 22 – VIV Europe 2018, Utrecht, The Netherlands en/Bezoeker.aspx
AUG 21 - 24 – Digestive Physiology of Pigs, Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre, Brisbane QLD
SEP 17 - 19 – VIV China, Nanjing International Exhibition Centre (NIEC), China aspx
SEP 25 - 27 – PorkExpo 2018 Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil
OCT 17 - 19 – Vietstock Expo & Forum, Saigon, Vietnam
NOV 11- 14 – Space 2018, Rennes, Francia, France
NOV 13 - 16 – EuroTier, Hannover, Germany
NOV 15 - 18 – Allen D. Leman Swine Conference, Saint Paul, Minnesota, US leman-swine-conference
How to supply event details: Send all details to Australian Pork Newspaper, PO Box 387, Cleveland, Qld 4163, call 07 3286 1833 fax: 07 3821 2637, email:
07 3286 1833
I’M pleased to advise that Australian Pork Limited now has a num- ber of resources avail- able to assist producers with understanding their environmental due dili- gence obligations.
For those who attended the Pan Pacific Pork Expo at the end of May, you might have seen these publications on display at APL’s stand.
However, as many of you were unable to at- tend, I’ll highlight these new resources that have culminated from our en- vironmental R&D pro- jects.
Understanding energy in pig production
Many producers were involved in the energy audit that was conducted on APL’s behalf by the Energy Guys.
As electricity, fuel and gas prices have increased by 25-40 percent over the past few years in pig production areas, the need to reduce energy costs is high on the agenda of Australian pig producers.
The information and les- sons learnt from this audit have now been published as a booklet.
This booklet contains details on how to moni- tor energy usage and pro- vides key benchmarking data for lighting, heating, ventilation and pumping.
In addition, electricity tariffs and a series of case studies on biogas, boilers, LPG and solar energy are also presented.
Alternatives available to producers to reduce en- ergy use include choosing the best tariff, managing power usage and con- sidering alternate power sources.
Soil indicator guide
Sustainable soil man- agement is a priority to the Australian pig indus- try and requires under- standing of manure and effluent characteristics.
Application rates of nu- trient-rich materials must be matched to soil re- quirements for agronomic and environmental goals.
All piggeries produce effluent and this can have a beneficial or harmful impact on soil health de-
by HEATHER CHANNON Research and Innovation General Manager
pending on how it is man- aged.
Growing crops in ma- nure and effluent reuse areas removes nutrients from the soil.
However, the ratio of nutrients doesn’t always match plant requirements and not all nutrients are available in the first year.
It is therefore impor- tant that clear informa- tion is available to enable producers to understand nutrient and soil interac- tions.
The soil indicator guide provides useful informa- tion on understanding and interpreting manure and effluent analysis results, as well as soil indicator results in manure and ef- fluent reuse areas.
Also included are gen- eral soil indicators, agro- nomic soil indicators and environmental soil indi- cators.
Converting waste to revenue
Recent research into novel fertilisers and feeds has produced really in- teresting results from the University of Western Australia and the Univer- sity of Queensland.
Stay tuned for more in- formation about purple phototrophic bacteria and how it can potentially be used as a high-protein feedstock and the benefits of using digestate, com- post and black stable fly castings as potential soil conditioners.
National Environmental Guidelines for Piggeries The third edition of the
National Environmental Guidelines for Piggeries is being published and will, very soon, be avail- able both in hard copy and electronically via the APL website.
The NEGP provides sit- ing and design guidance for indoor piggeries only, while the National Envi- ronmental Guidelines for Rotational Outdoor Pig- geries provide similar guidance for outdoor pig- geries.
This new edition in- cludes updates based on the latest research and changes in acceptable design and management practices.
The NEGP provides information on topics including planning, site selection, separation and buffer distances, cleaner production, housing de- sign and management, effluent management sys- tems, reuse areas, nutri- ent content of effluent and manures, carcass dispos- al, monitoring, chemical storage and environmen- tal management plans.
Extensive consultation with regulatory bodies, producers and consultants was undertaken through- out this review process.
Other media available for download from the APL website are the in- door and outdoor plan- ning animations and the outdoor awareness pro- gramvideos.
To order copies of these materials or to further discuss, please contact Denise Woods on Denise. Woods@australianpork. or 0418 697 595. 2018/19 R&D proposals
The ability of the Aus- tralian pork industry to continue to innovate and address the myriad tech- nical challenges we face is supported through invest- ment in R&D.
This year’s call for ten- der for R&D proposals has now closed.
A total of 39 submis-
sions were received, which indicates there is plenty of interest from the research community (some of whom we have not previously received proposals from!) to work with us to provided solu- tions and enable us all to keep abreast of new developments.
The areas included in this year’s call for tender were:
• Revisiting technol- ogies available to the Australian pork industry to improve production ef- ficiencies;
• Reducing vaccine vari- ability and improving ef- ficacy;
• Precision livestock farming technologies – on-farm demonstration and industry implementa- tion;
• Standardised method- ology for testing effluent samples for NATA labs;
• Large-scale biogas to compressed natural gas;
• Net reporting tool to offset on-farm emissions;
• Small-scale biogas adoption;
• Small-scale syngas plant to use spent bed- ding; and
Australian Pork Indus- try Leadership Pro- gram
The first Australian pork industry leadership pro- gram is now under way, with the successful six applicants of the course being Tracy Anderson, Tristan Donaldson, Rob- ert Hewitt, Andrea Dent, Hayden Stocks and Paul Ridgewell.
The judges for this pro- gram included APL Board representation, producers and consultants.
The first workshop was held on May 4-7 and was built around an outdoor experiential challenge, facilitated by Zoe Routh (Inner Compass).
All participants had ex- tremely positive feedback, including that they gained more from the first work- shop than they had antici- pated!
Several participants at- tended the recent Del- egates’ Forum to learn the process and be more involved in industry deci- sion making.
Planning is now under way for the second work- shop, which will be held in Denmark in October.
☛ continued P3
Energy and soils in focus
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Page 2 – Australian Pork Newspaper, June 2018
• Predictive tool for pork.
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