Page 12 - Australian Pork Newspapaper
P. 12

Major change in dining habits
DUE to the challenges of the past 18 months, many of us embarked on culinary experiences previously avoided.
expectations were cooked. And while Australian shoppers supported Aus- tralian businesses and trusted brands prior pan-
People are made aware of just how many Aus- tralian ingredients go into – or don’t go into – porcine produce and by checking the bar chart on the label, consumers can make an informed deci- sion as to what product to purchase in preference.
Social media oozed im- ages of baked bonanzas and gastronomic goodies.
demic, habits changed. Producers of beef, lamb, chicken and dairy saw de- cent returns for their prod- ucts, while pork prices have decreased since De-
The desire to make and bake was reflected in shopping baskets and bare supermarket shelves.
In the weeks leading up
Though good luck sourcing 100 percent Aus- tralian made pork prod- ucts.
Panic purchasing peaks resulted in demand for basic yet essential cooking ingredients – flour, sugar, eggs...
to lockdown, Australian Pork Limited launched a new ad campaign en- couraging Australian consumers to look at the labelling for the country of origin of pork products.
While producers have increased production, many brands are still not using Australian pork.
And toilet paper... per- haps for the not so suc- cessful attempts?
And the campaign con- tinues.
Come on Aussie, come on.
Shopping trends altered and consumer behaviour
Time for makin’ bacon... 100 percent Aus- tralian.
The desire to make and bake was reflected in shop- ping baskets and bare supermarket shelves.
Australian Pork Limited executive general manager Peter Haydon said though ideal breeding conditions have been positive for pro- ducers, there was a 6.2 percent oversupply of pigs on the market, and down- ward pressure on pork prices was the result of multiple factors.
Image provided by Australian Pork Limited.
May weaner performance update
Producer Relations
While pricing is ex- pected to fatten up over coming months, lean pork prices due to pig produc- tion increases and abattoir capacity disruptions have passed to producers since January.
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And though lamb and beef retail prices stay high, pork producers were in an advantageous posi- tion.
IN addition to reducing stress and providing a good environment, it is important weaner pigs have access to a well- balanced diet to support their growth and perfor- mance.
rate, and improved per- formance. This may be due to the increased feed-related exploratory behaviour shown by the greater disappearance of creep feed in lactation. Optimising weaner feed intake
“Production during summer was high – this increased supply has di- rectly caused prices to drop, it is at about $3.50 a kilogram,” Mr Haydon said.
In recent years, APL has supported research looking at nutritional strategies to promote weaner performance.
It is common practice for producers to include excess levels of some amino acids in pig diets to minimise growth vari- ation in pigs.
Page 12 – Australian Pork Newspaper, June 2021
• The pellets offered benefits to piglets in the post-weaning period through lowered removal
The theme for June will be Grower and Finisher Performance.
“There have been many disruptions to the pork in- dustry though, including holiday periods causing a delay in slaughters and global meat market move- ments.”
Each week during May, the APL Update email newsletter was used to promote three different opportunities, outlined below.
growing pigs.
In the trial, we found: •Supplementation of
49 of the treatment.
• During the weaner pe- riod,pigsconsumedabout 10kg of feed, amounting to 5mg of strontium. This is a small economic cost that provides benefits to
However, previous re- search has indicated an excess of protein and some amino acids can negatively affect feed intake and growth in weaner pigs.
“Consumers have in- creased their pork con- sumption and despite the number of factors working against returns, it should help stabilise prices down the track,” Mr Haydon said.
Strontium is a trace mineral reported to in- crease bone volume and density.
economically or in pig performance and growth, to supplementing stron- tium during the grower or finisher stages.
• Excess lysine and leu- cine significantly lowered feed intake one to two hours post consumption. Lysine also lowered the duration of the first meal and increased the inter- meal interval. Leucine significantly increased the interval between meals and lowered the number of meals within the first two hours post- treatment.
Improving weaner growth and perfor- mance with strontium
500 parts per million of strontium during the weaner period supported higher average daily gain. This had no effect on the daily feed intake, resulting in better feed efficiency. The supple- mentation also resulted in higher bodyweight and average daily weight gain, which persisted until day
• No benefit was shown
This recently completed trial found:
There is potential for strontium supplementa- tion at low doses to im- prove performance of
Larger creep pellets for improved weaner growth
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Naturally ahead
Gilt progeny are born lighter and often do not perform as well as progeny born to multipa- rous sows.
This project included multiple trials that aimed to explore the reasons for this difference in perfor- mance and potential die- tary interventions, which may help producers en- hance progeny perfor- mance.
• Excess dietary ly- sine decreased feed in- take by 4.1g per pig for every 1 percent above the recommended require- ment levels in the feed in post-weaning pigs over a four-week post-weaning period.
One trial explored the effect that larger creep pellet size has on feed intake both before and after weaning.
• As a practical ex- ample, a 25 percent ex- cess margin in dietary ly- sine will result in lighter pigs by an average of 100g per pig, at the end of the post-weaning pe- riod.
Results indicate:
• Total creep feed con- sumed in lactation was higher in litters offered the larger diameter (9mm) pellets. How- ever, this did not cause an improvement in litter weaning weight for pig- lets born to gilts.
For technical infor- mation on any of these topics, contact Dr Re- becca Athorn at rebecca. athorn@australianpork.
• Growth rate and feed intake were both stimu- lated in pigs offered the larger diameter pellet pre-weaning.
For a copy of the final reports or related factsheets, contact Ra- chael Bryant at rachael. bryant@australianpork.

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