Page 16 - Australian Pork Newspaper
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Debt repayment waiver boost
THE Australian Gov- ernment continues to back farmers in hard- ship by passing legisla- tion today that waives the majority of Farm Household A llowance debts caused when in- correctly estimating business income.
and incurred a debt. “With many farm household allowance recipients impacted by droughts, floods and bushfires in the last few years, these debts are the
until June 30, 2023 to provide documentation for processing.
Minister for Agri- culture, Drought and Emergency Manage- ment David Littleproud said this waiver draws a line under a compli- cated process and will help farmers get back on their feet and grow their businesses.
Since July 1, 2020,
Former and current farm household allow- ance recipients who received payments be- tween July 1, 2015 and June 30, 2020 should make sure all their taxa- tion documentation is compiled and ready to give to Services Aus- tralia as soon as they ask for it.
“Business income rec- onciliation debts result from asking famers to make difficult predic- tions about their income for the year ahead,” Min- ister Littleproud said.
“This waiver will help Services Australia to ex- pedite and resolve out- standing reconciliations and provide certainty to the farming commu- nity,” Minister Little- proud said.
Requests for this infor- mation are anticipated to be sent from early 2022.
“Acting in good faith, some farmers underes- timated their income
Farm household allow- ance recipients will have
More information about the farm house- hold allowance can be found at agriculture. drought/assistance/farm- household-allowance
last thing they need.” Removing business income reconciliation was one of the recom- mendations the govern- ment adopted from the farmer-led review of the farm household allow-
This will determine whether they are eligible for a waiver, a refund or a top-up of their pay- ments.
farmers and their part- ners no longer need to complete this process.
Many farmers had fattened their pigs in anticipation of a recovery in pork prices.
Obese pigs fuel slump in pork prices
bound, farmers have been fattening hogs since late last year to almost double their normal weight, with some reaching the size of afemalepolarbear.
OBESE pigs in China are being blamed for wors- ening a sudden slide in the country’s pork prices.
trader Cao Tao is buying weigh more than 200kg, compared with their usual size of around 125kg.
push down prices for a while yet.
In the hope the animals will generate higher re- turns should prices re-
Many of the swine pig
“Some farmers are holding onto their larger pigs on hopes of a price rebound,” he said.
China’s hog herd was devastated by African swine fever in 2018 and, while numbers have re- covered since then, a re- cent resurgence has driven up pork imports.
However, Chinese wholesale pork prices have dropped more than 40 percent since mid-January amid sluggish demand, in- creased imports and panic selling by farmers after fresh outbreaks of African swine fever.
Though the number of hogs available for slaughter may take an- other four months to get back to normal, the agri- culture ministry said the country’s pig herd may recover to usual levels by July.
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The country’s big- gest pig breeder Muyuan Foods is expecting a con- tinued drop in domestic hog prices, with the slump not bottoming out until next year or even 2023.
The impact of the obese hogs on pork prices is also being complicated by new rules that prohibit the transport of live pigs across the boundaries of five areas.
Bric Agriculture Group senior analyst Lin Guofa said many farmers had fattened their pigs in an- ticipation of a recovery in pork prices, but the sell- off of these large animals may be delaying a rebound in prices.
The regulations – aimed at combating the spread of African swine fever – are reshaping the market and leading to regional price differences.
“When these farms sell together, the sell-off causes an explosive price slump,” Mr Lin said.
A farmer in the northern city of Tianjin said her family wouldn’t be breeding larger pigs after the price slump and had sold all of their animals that weighed more than 150kg.
Accordingtohim,farms in the southwest and south are still holding a large number of “cow-sized” pigs, which could be sold as the weather warms and
The falling pork prices and high corn prices give poor returns on larger hogs as they eat more.
ASF outbreaks continue to roil Indian pork sector
AFRICAN swine fever outbreaks are causing major disruptions in the Indian state of Mizoram, killing over 4600 pigs in two months.
outbreak had caused farm losses of over $A3.31 mil- lion.
Indian animal health au- thorities have logged 4650 ASF mortalities in pigs and piglets in two months in the state of Mizoram.
The first case of African swine fever was reported on March 21 in Lungsen, a village in South Miz- oram near the border with Bangladesh.
Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science De- partment joint director livestock health Dr Lalh- mingthanga said that the
Since this first case, the deadly pig disease has spread to nine districts across the state.
As of May 29, the of- ficial death toll from ASF stood at 4650 pigs.
Page 16 – Australian Pork Newspaper, July 2021
African swine fever continued to wreak havoc in Mizoram, killing 4650 pigs and piglets in a little over
two months.