Page 13 - Australian Pork Newspaper
P. 13

 Leveraging your APL membership
Blockage fixed
IF you’ve paid the pig slaughter levy in the 2021-22 financial year, you’re eligible to apply for or confirm your APL membership, and gain access to a range of membership ben- efits, including voting for your representative in the upcoming del- egate elections.
accessing their PigPass records to verify the levy paid, reducing the burden of having a statu- tory declaration wit- nessed.
CENTRAL Agri Group is one of Australia’s leading fully integrated beef farming, backgrounding, feed lotting and meat pro- cessing companies.
adding up and Josh now has time to work on other projects at the plant that he couldn’t get to before.
While pig producers can become APL mem- bers at any time, APL has an obligation to con- firm its members’ de- tails and eligibility for membership every three years.
As per the APL con- stitution, if a current member does not pro- vide APL with the infor- mation required by Sep- tember 6, 2022, they will cease to be a member.
Central Agri Group’s Trafalgar plant did how- ever have some issues with its wastewater pump.
More information on these pumps may be ob- tained from info@Hy
For current members, this means that you’ll need to complete a mem- bership renewal form by September 6, 2022 to be eligible to vote in the 2022 delegate elections.
For more details or to renew or apply for mem- bership, visit australian
On occasion, these prob- lems would cause the well to overflow and require the need for outside contrac- tors to be called in to help deal with the inflow to the well.
Likewise, new mem- bers will need to submit their membership ap- plication forms by Sep- tember 6, 2022 if they wish to vote in the del- egate elections.
Note, intermediaries paying the pig slaughter levy on behalf of others are not eligible for APL producer membership, but producers who have paid their levy via an in- termediary are eligible.
Another processor, run- ning genuine Gorman- Rupp pumps, recom- mended Central Agri Group’s Trafalgar plant contact Hydro Innovations. Solution
There are three mem- bership categories:
APL therefore encour- ages you to submit your renewal application as soon as possible after June 30, 2022.
Hydro Innovations rec- ommended the existing pump be replaced with a Gorman-Rupp T3A71S- B ‘Super T Series’ trash pump fitted with an ‘Eradi- cator’ solids management system, with hardened in- ternal parts to deal with the grit and stringy materials that flow to the well.
• Producer Member – levy paying producers who can vote for a del- egate provided they submit their member- ship application to APL before the return date September 6, 2022 as set out by the Board
Delegate nominations and elections
• Associate Producer Member – producers who have not paid the levy in the relevant fi- nancial year, they are required to be spon- sored by a current APL member and are not eli- gible to vote
Delegates are ap- pointed for three-year terms by APL members to represent their inter- ests at general meetings and to, among other things, vote on the elec- tion of APL elected di- rectors.
The well has a high loading of grass and so the pump was set up to deal with the grass.
• Associate Corporate Member – an industry- related company or manufacturer with clear benefits and connections to the pig industry.
They form a vital con- duit for exchange of in- formation between APL and the industry.
Almost two months since the installation, plant maintenance supervisor Josh could not be happier.
As an APL Producer Member, you will re- ceive:
This includes partici- pation at two delegate forum meetings a year – usually May and No- vember – and when requested, assisting at regional producer meet- ings.
He has not had to attend the pump at all – com- pared to the once or twice per day the previous pump required.
• The rights to nomi- nate and vote for a del- egate – for every $1 of levy paid, Producer Members are entitled to one vote for their nomi- nated delegate
The savings are quickly
• Access to exclusive members only content
The delegate levy amount for 2022 is $445,872.
• Weekly APL Update newsletter
• Weekly estimate slaughter trends
If you are interested in standing as an APL delegate, complete and return the ‘Consent to Act as an APL Delegate’ form no later than July 22, 2022 to ensure new and renewing members have sufficient opportu- nity to consider you as their delegate.
• Regular contact from APL producer relations team
• Eligibility for APL leadership programs
• Member only events, both online and face to face throughout the year.
APL membership is free – however A PL has a responsibility to verify your eligibility as a member and other de- tails as required.
To vote for your nomi- nated delegate, simply complete and return the ‘APL Delegate Nomina- tion’ form by September 6, 2022.
Previously, producers had to complete a statu- tory declaration every three years stating the pig slaughter levy paid by the member in the previous financial year.
Current delegates can nominate themselves.
Since the 2019 mem- bership year, producers who have been using the online PigPass move- ment reporting system have had the option to instead consent to APL
If you have any ques- tions about this process or need any assistance, contact the APL mem- bership team at mem bers@australianpork.
Much safer and much easier to maintain.
(02) 9898 1800
Australian Pork Newspaper, July 2022 – Page 13
If a producer prefers that APL does not access their records in this way, the statutory declaration option is still available.
Established in 1991, it has loyal domestic cus- tomers, supplies to over 50 exports markets and has invested heavily in state- of-the-art meat processing facilities.
Gorman-Rupp self- priming trash pumps are available in sizes from 2” through to 10”, with flows to 200LPS and pressures to 90m.
All new memberships are subject to approval from the APL Board.
Delegates are an im- portant communication link between APL and its members.
Benefits of the installa- tion
It is the expectation of APL members that a delegate is active in per- forming this role.
“The Gorman-Rupp pump is a great pump, far better than what we had before!” Josh said.
Bjorn Ludvigsen APL Acting Producer Relations Director
The issue
They have been ex- tremely popular for diffi- cult wastewater pumping applications in animal process plants across Aus- tralia.
It was running copies of the Gorman-Rupp self- priming pump on its green waste and attending these daily to fix issues with blockages in the pump.
The existing pump was replaced with a Gorman-Rupp T3A71S-B ‘Super T Series’ trash pump fitted with an ‘Eradicator’ solids management system.

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