Page 21 - Australian Pork Newspaper
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n Here’s my Card n Here’s my Card n Here’s my Card ABN: 92 115 191 056
Todd Greenwood (Vic)
Shane Nicholson (Qld)
Tel: 0437 056 369
Tel: 0427 200 262
Linda Scotts (NSW)
Bruce Lockwood (Qld)
Regional Sales Representatives
Anke Woeckel
Technical Advisor Swine & Poultry
The Science of Healthier Animals
Intervet Australia Pty Ltd
Level 1 - Building A, 26 Talavera Road Macquarie Park, NSW, 2113
North Ryde Post Business Centre, Locked Bag 2234
North Ryde, NSW, 1670 Australia
T 1800 226 511
M 0437 010 683
F 1800 810 511
PH : (03) 5443 9665 FAX: (03) 5443 9669
Email: PO Box 6101 White Hills, Vic 3550
ACE Laboratory Services 12 Gildea Lane Bendigo East, Vic 3550
AQIS QC2 Containment Facility APVMA Licensed Manufacturer AlltechLienert
Tel: 0428 972 599
Tel: 0400 700 559
Vin Modra (SA)
Michael Pritchard MTB - Biosecurity
Tel: 0407 723 679
Tel: 0407 764 850
Brian Warneke (SA)
1800 649 231
Alltech Lienert Australia 8 Roseworthy Rd, Roseworthy, SA, 5371
Trina Parker
Country President (ANZ) mobile: +64 274 872 524
Stuart Court
Technical Services Manager (ANZ) stuar t.cour mobile: 0466 956 263
office: 02 9844 5700
Tel: 0436 193 253
Australian Pork Newspaper, July 2022 – Page 21
Dan Hollingworth
General Manager
Minitube Australia Pty Ltd
P.O. Box 1
135 Brooke Street, Smythesdale Victoria 3351
Tel: +61 3 5342 8688 Fax: +61 3 5342 8788 Mobile: +61 427 388 430
Ben Collins
BBus DipMgt GradDipEd
Advertising & Marketing Manager
P:0732861833 M:0439708602 POBox162,WynnumQLD4178
Your trusted partner
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