Page 8 - Australian Pork Newspaper
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Haylee will be based in Bendigo, working with Apiam’s commercial manager Amanda Vardanega and north- ern key account manager Forbes Corby.
APL Membership:
Leveraging your pig levy
In this role she developed and implemented commu- nications and marketing strategies and outputs for agricultural advocacy groups, researchers and businesses.
Haylee will be providing key account management to pig producers and sup- port to the Apiam vet- erinary team to deliver on-farm vet services – in- cluding digital veterinary herd health programs – to maximise production out- comes for intensive animal operations.
They have also been in- volved in the Meat and Livestock Australia’s Am- bassadors for the Red Meat Industry program.
• If you’re an Australian pig producer and you’ve paid the Pig Slaughter Levy in the 2021-22 financial year, then you’re eligible to apply
for or renew your APL Membership.
• As a Member you gain access to a range of benefits - including voting for your representative in the upcoming Delegate Elections
• Being a pig producer or having a PigPass account does not automatically make you a Producer Member. You must complete an application.
• Why? APL has an obligation to confirm its Members’ details and eligibility for membership every three years.
During her time at Alltech Lienert, she was involved in the Pork CRC Industry Placement Program.
However, throughout his first year at Apiam, he has attended several pork events, including Apiam Pub and Pork events in Vic- toria and PIX AMC 2022 held on the Gold Coast in May.
• Learn more about membership and download the forms at How to become a Member
1 Determine how much pig slaughter levy you paid from 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2022.
Example: *Pig Slaughter Levy: Number of pigs slaughtered x Levy amount $3.25 = $ Levy paid.
2 Complete the APL Member application.
Confirm or update your organisation information and eligibility for membership and either:
i. give a standing consent for APL to calculate levy paid via accessing PigPass records (NVDs), or ii. provide a statutory declaration to APL stating that you are an Australian pig producer and the
amount of PigSlaughter Levy you have paid in the relevant financial year. 3 Return the completed form to APL by Monday 6 September by either:
• scan and send it by email to
• fax it to 02 6285 2288, or
• post it to PO Box 4746 Kingston ACT 2604.
Haylee also received funding to travel in 2019 to Albert Canada to attend the Banff Pork Seminar and spent time with the Hutterite colonies, learning more about their approach to pig production and man- agement.
Forbes grew up in rural NSW and joined Apiam with a commercial back- ground from Kilcoy Global Foods where he managed sales for the Middle East and North African regions.
Feel free to reach out to Haylee on 0456 498 120 or Forbes on 0457 508 867.
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Phone: (03) 9462 4266 Mobile: 0418 388 842
Page 8 – Australian Pork Newspaper, July 2022
Staff highlights for Apiam
APIAM Animal Health ability to communicate and Rural Science prize
is expanding their key ac- count management team and is excited to announce the appointment of Haylee Clifford as the southern key account manager.
complex technical informa- tion in a simple and easy to understand format to help implement on farms.
for his significant contri- butions, such as chair of UNE’s Farming Futures Executive and Young Farming Champion am- bassador.
Haylee comes from a rural farming background in South Australia and joinsApiamfromAgCom- municators, where she was working as an agricultural communications and mar- keting consultant.
Haylee will be based in Bendigo, working with Apiam’s northern key ac- count manager Forbes Corby and commercial manager Amanda Var- danega.
Both Forbes and Haylee are Australian Pork emerging leaders, which provides opportunities to create and develop net- works throughout the supply chain and supports development of technical, leadership, management and communication skills.
Prior to this, Haylee was with Alltech Lienert Aus- tralia as an animal nutri- tionist.
Forbes has been working with Apiam for 12 months, predominantly working in the feedlot sector.
As trained ambassadors, their role is to ensure the wider Australian popula- tion outside of agriculture recognises the vital role our industry plays in food production and trusts us to deliver high value, high quality products and to feel good about eating red meat.
As part of the program, she completed a pig pro- duction intensive course through the University of Adelaide.
Forbes is enjoying his role and continues to expand his client network and know- ledge of the industry.
Forbes and Haylee look forward to working with the Apiam client base and more broadly, the Aus- tralian intensive animal industry.
She presented her learn- ings throughout the In- dustry Placement Program at the 2019 Australasian Pork Research Institute Limited stakeholders’ forum.
Additionally, his role with KGF included domestic key account management for clients such as McDon- alds and Hungry Jacks.
Haylee graduated from the University of Adelaide in 2015 with a Bachelor of Animal Science, and first class honours in sheep nu- trition.
Forbes has a Bachelor of Agriculture and Bachelor of Business, major Inter- national Business, from the University of New England.
She also has experience in veterinary pathology from her time as a tech- nical officer at Gribbles Veterinary Pathology.
Forbes also completed an internship with Austrade in Myanmar, focussing on the development of agricultural practices and trade.
With a deep under- standing of agriculture and farming communities, Haylee has the passion and
He is passionate about all facets of agriculture and was awarded the University of New England’s 2019-20 School of Environmental
Apiam Animal Health welcomes Haylee Clifford as its southern key account manager.