Page 19 - Australian Pork Newspaper
P. 19

Malaysian swine breeders given two months to improve biosecurity
REVISED policy to help better manage South Australia’s fe- ral pig populations has put a renewed focus on landholders to take greater responsibility or face hefty fines of up to $100,000 or imprison- ment for two years.
In a recent report from Stock Journal, Pork SA chair Mark McLean ex- pressed the need for South Australian landowners to step up and take respon- sibility for the wildlife on their property.
Feral pigs, in particular, represent a great threat to livestock as vectors of a number of contagious diseases, including the highly virulent African swine fever virus.
Wild swine species can also cause costly environ- mental damage that can upset important ecosys- tems.
The new policy targets pig farmers and land-
owners with wild pigs on their property: any feral pigs found are now to be destroyed, domestic pigs must be secured and pre- vented from escaping and the release of any domes- tic or feral pigs is pro- hibited.
Containment pens for domestic pigs can be re- viewed by Natural Re- sources Management of- ficers who, if the contain- ment facility is deemed inefficient, can request the landholder to take correc- tive action.
The breeding and re- lease of feral pigs is thought to be a possible contributor and McLean hopes the new policy will address this.
“If a landholder allows pigs to breed for hunting, I would hope a $100,000 fine was a big disincen- tive,” he said in an inter- view with Stock Journal.
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SFMCA FeedSafe Accredited
THE Malaysian Na- tional News Agency reports swine breed- ers have been given two months to im- prove biosecurity on their farms to prevent the spread of African swine fever.
Deputy Agriculture and Agro-based Indus- try Minister Sim Tze Tzin announced the Department of Veteri- nary Services would begin enforcement ac- tivities in September to ensure all swine farm- ers make the desired
improvements to bio- security at their facili- ties.
The two-month deadline has been established to pro- vide producers with enough time to start implementing new bio- security measures.
Among other key steps, producers are re- quired to ensure farm perimeter fences are in good condition, en- sure workers are wear- ing clean, disinfected clothing when entering the farm facilities, and
foot dipping stations are being used effec- tively.
Producers and staff are encouraged to avoid visiting other swine farms and regions with confirmed cases of the disease.
All trucks and trans- portation are to be dis- infected upon entry to facilities.
The feeding of food waste to swine is now also prohibited, with an emphasis on keeping all pork products away from pigs.
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Australian Pork Newspaper, August 2019 – Page 19
New policy targets feral pigs in South Australia
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