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Antimicrobial Stewardship Made Easy
Data Pig aims to ehance the reputation of Australia’s pork industry as progressive, sustainable & productive through supporting antimicrobial usage recording to safeguard the longevity of the pork industry.
Data Pig embraces the power of technology to close the geographic gap between vets and remote producers to deliver a program that drives sustainable antibiotic use and a preventative focus on disease risks.
Electronic health recording program
Synchronised with veterinary treatment protocols
Treatment and vaccination dosage instructions
Collaborative use by workers, managers and vets
APIQ compliant records and PowerBI data analysis
Securely stored data owned and accessed approved
by producer
Contact Apiam Animal Health to discuss how Data Pig can bene t your farm operations and production.
1800 426 142
Data Pig and PROSWINE are registered trademarks of Apiam Animal Health. Australian Pork Newspaper, August 2021 – Page 5

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