Page 11 - Australian Pork Newsapaper
P. 11

Great turn out at 2019 APV Conference
☛ from P10
Mandy detailed how the UK recording program was established and what has driven over 90 percent uptake by producers.
Over 60 percent of the production sector had al- ready committed to the electronic Medicines Book approach before the
UK based Red Tractor QA program, driven by pro- ducers made it effectively compulsory.
With Red Tractor certi- fication being required for most market buyers this drove a very high compli- ance rate.
Mandy stressed that even though the UK pig industry had seen a dra-
matic drop in antibiotic use over the period from 2015 to 2018, she did not support antibiotic free production as a goal.
“We need to have antibi- otics available to treat sick animals” Mandy said.
Dr Ross Cutler, APL consultant leading AMS initiatives, said that “APL wants its members to be ahead of any AMS regu- latory or market require- ments”.
Dr Sam Abraham from Murdoch University led a series of talks on antimi- crobial resistance and an- nounced that the industry will now have access to standardised reporting of the antimicrobial sensitiv- ity of most of the major pig pathogens found in this country.
This will mean that for the first-time laboratory reports of antimicrobial sensitivity from across the country can be compared.
Daniel Morison from ACE Laboratories and Joanne Mollinger from the Qld Government’s Biosecurity Services Laboratory both said they would be using the new Sensititre TM plates in the coming weeks.
Highly relevant to our tropical and subtropical
industry, Dr Damien Paris from James Cook Univer- sity spoke on his recent work that heat stress- induced, DNA damaged sperm from boars may contribute significantly to early embryo loss in sows.
This damage was not seen though changes in sperm motility.
He did find that an anti-oxidant therapy dur- ing summer appeared to significantly alleviate heat stress-induced DNA damage but not concentra- tion nor motility in boar sperm.
Dr Deb Finlaison from the NSW government’s Elizabeth Macaurthur Agricultural Institute re- ported the first finding of an atypical porcine pesti- virus as the cause of con- genital tremors in pigs.
While work back in the 1980s had demonstrated there was an infectious agent associated with this debilitating disease of Australian neonatal pigs, the exact cause had not been proven.
Following work in the USA and Europe identi- fying the viral agent, the EMAI research has now detected this virus in Aus- tralian pigs.
With African Swine Fe-
ver very much front of mind in the industry the program included four highly relevant talks.
Dr Belinda Wright from Animal Health Australia spoke on the policy ap- proaches to responding to an exotic disease incur- sion.
From a state government perspective, Dr Alison Crook, QLD Chief Veteri- nary Officer covered off on the state response strategies and her plans to conduct with industry a simulation exercise in QLD.
Dr Jeremy Rogers from South Australia spoke on the findings from the recent “Exercize Rapid Strike” workshop that simulated aspects of an ASF incursion in SA.
He also described cur- rent work on pre-as- sessment of emergency movement permits for pigs travelling on regular routes in the event of an outbreak and a proposed piece of work at SABOR on testing of boars for exotic diseases.
Dr John Carr gave an excellent update on where the disease is at globally, what we should be doing to prevent its spread and the challenges this disease presents.
Ross Cutler (right) proved to be an excellent chairper- son at the event.
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Dr Damien Paris (right) and his son enjoyed the fes- tivities after Damien’s presentation .
Drinks before the converence dinner at Dundee’s Restaurant.
New feeders cut feed waste at Deni Piggery
A year ago David and Tristan Donaldson of Deni Piggery visited Europe in search for a feeder promoting piglet growth and re- duced wastage.
They found that the SKIOLD MaxiMat feeders were common on Danish farms, lead- ing to their initial in- vestment into the feed- ers.
Today, the Donald- sons are completing their second installation of SKIOLD MaxiMat Feeders at their com- mercial pig farm in southern NSW.
The primary motiva- tion for the re-invest- ment in the feeders?
Increased efficien- cy in feeding, better animal health among weaners and a higher profitability.
Tristan Donaldson said, “I was very im- pressed with the opera- tional functionality of the feeders when we saw them on farms and immediately assumed
that it would be a good investment for us. When fed through the SKIOLD feeder, wean- ers were eating natu- rally and their mash wasn’t getting thinned by mixing with the wa- ter trough.
“In the past we had extensively used feed- ers that mixed the meal and water into a paste believing this was best for the weaners. The constant repairs and adjustments required to those feeders and their intermittent reliability was detrimental to our weaners and feed wast- age was apparent.”
Tristan goes on to ex- plain some of the ben- efits they have received from the SKIOLD MaxiMat Feeders.
The fact that dosing can be set very accu- rately allows them to optimize the feed usage and control the flow of mash efficiently.
“After purchasing and trialing our first order of the MaxiMat feeders
we were impressed with the weaners health and growth and the mini- mal to no feed wast- age. Upon our second purchase we discarded all the existing feeders. These MaxiMat feed- ers continue to impress us with; how easy the piglets can turn and dis- pense the meal, avail- ability of water, con- sistent growth weight and the minimal feed wastage while showing low maintenance. The money spent on these feeders are well-spent,” he said to conclude the interview.
Additional features:
• Prevention of feed cluttering and bridging due to specially de- signed slip angles;
• Hygienic and easy to clean feeders with- out the use of any tools through an integrated cleaning feature; and
• Easy to adjust han- dle for exact dosage de- livery with dispensing unit that both rotates and springs.
The SKIOLD feed- ers are available in four versions; one for pork- ers of a weight of 15- 130 kg, one for weaners weighing between 7-60 kg, one for weaners to growers of 7-130 kg and a fourth model for weaners with a separate drinker on the side.
All four versions are recommended to be used with a SKIOLD MaxiMat Aqua water supply, designed to pro- mote water consump- tion.
Australian Pork Newspaper, September 2019 – Page 11

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