Page 11 - Australian Pork Newspaper
P. 11

New agriculture worker
Management info for pig biosecurity
RESOURCES are available for all levels of pig keeping and production – whether you have one or two pet pigs, a farm stay opera- tion, hobby farm, keep pigs for your own consumption or are a small or large commercial operation and may be quality assured APIQ accredited.
nering with Charles Sturt University’s Graham Centre to better understand the practices, ex- periences and bi- osecurity needs of pig owners and pro- ducers, Local Land Services, Australian Pork Limited, the Australian Pork industry and Com- monwealth ASF li- aisons, and SunPork Farms to develop and field test a bios- ecurity management planning toolkit.
The single biggest threat to the pork industry’s sustaina- bility is an outbreak of an emergency an- imal disease.
The pig biosecurity management plan- ning resources were developed in consul- tation with the NSW Small Commercial Producer Group, Queensland Depart- ment of Agriculture and Fisheries, Ag- riculture Victoria, Department of Pri- mary Industries and Regions, South Aus- tralia, Rivalea, Holy- oake Consulting and all the pig owners and producers who were part of and pro- vided feedback in field testing activi- ties.
African swine fever continues to spread globally and in neighbouring countries.
New more subtle strains make the de- tection of ASF more challenging.
All pig owners and producers need to remain vigilant and report any unusual signs of disease or death to their vet- erinarian or govern- ment agency.
An outbreak of ASF could cost up to $2 billion, over many years to con- trol and will impact pet, hobby and com- mercial operations alike.
The resources in the pig biosecurity management plan- ning toolkit will be reviewed early 2022 by industry and the state departments of agriculture to ensure it continues to be fit- for-purpose.
The pig biosecu- rity management planning toolkit has been developed to support pig owners and producers to safeguard their pigs against the biosecu- rity threats posed by unwanted pests and diseases.
If you would like to leave any constructive feedback for inclusion in this review ahead of time, visit au/pig-biosecurity- management- resources/
The biosecurity management plan- ning toolkit was de- veloped as part of a NSW Department of Primary Industries led initiative, part-
Note, all feedback is anonymous and no identifiable informa- tion is sought.
visa in the pipeline
THE framework for a new Australian agricul- ture visa has been put in place by the Federal Government to address workforce shortages in the agriculture sector.
nary phase is being done however to expedite the arrival of a new cohort by the end of 2021, with in- creasing numbers in 2022.
ings of the agriculture visa were considered by the APL policy reference group last month.
Announced in August this year, the broad- ranging visa is part of the government’s commit- ment to support Austral- ia’s primary industries.
Policy Analyst
Implementation of the visa and development of full details on eligibility arrangements, permanent residency pathways and other participating coun- tries will continue.
APL is currently con- sulting with government directly and via its mem- berships of the National Farmers’ Federation and Australian Meat Industry Council.
It builds on the suc- cess of existing Pacific Island labour programs by providing access to skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled workers for ag- riculture initially from member countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations.
staff shortages, exacer- bated by COVID-19 and border closures.
Beveridge said.
“We would also take 1-2
In addition, other visa parameters such as port- ability – ability of the worker to move around – and sponsorship arrange- ments are being finalised.
This ensures initial tri- alling of the visa and fi- nalisation of the program design will meet industry needs.
It’s a welcome an- nouncement in light of continued stories from producers struggling to operate with persistent
“We’re currently adver- tising for two labourer po- sitions and have received only one application who is not appropriate,” Ms
Despite the implementa- tion of the new framework in September, workers will not yet be available under the new visa.
As a first step, the work-
In the meantime, pro- ducers with questions or feedback are welcome to contact APL policy ana- lyst Angela Bradburn at angela.bradburn@austral
Edwina Beveridge at Blantyre Farms near Young in NSW has all but given up on trying to fill vacancies.
more pig hands if avail- able but have received so little interest lately that we don’t currently have this advertised.’’
Australian Pork Lim- ited has worked alongside other industries to support calls for a dedicated ag- riculture visa for the past few years and will con- tinue to liaise with pro- ducers to understand their workforce needs.
A government website providing information about the new agricultural visa will be launched shortly.
Work under a prelimi-
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Welcome Karla to the
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Call Karla today to review your existing insurance and for an obligation free quote.
Nutrien Ag Solutions Limited (ABN 73 008 743 217, AR No. 275140) is an authorised representative of Marsh Advantage Insurance Pty Ltd (ACN 081 358 303, AFSL No 238369) and is authorised to deal in, and provide  nancial product advice in connection with general insurance products. Nutrien Ag Solutions also acts as a referral partner of Insurance Australia Limited (ABN 11 000 016 722, AFSL No 227681) trading as WFI. Nutrien Ag Solutions and Marsh Advantage Insurance arrange the insurance and are not the insurer. This product may be issued by a range of insurers – please contact your local Nutrien Ag Solutions Insurance broker for details. If you do not wish to receive promotional material or mailings from us, please contact us on (03) 9209 2000 or email
Karla Otto
Key Account Manager – Insurance 0477 907 555
Australian Pork Newspaper, October 2021 – Page 11

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