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Biosecurity to protect our industry’s bacon
For all your livestock needs
Provides high quality products. Delivered on time. At competitive pricing. Supported by the best available technical service in animal and livestock nutrition.
Ph: 02 9609 7922 Fax: 02 9609 7923
Kym Miller 0439 066 054
Kate Parry 0448 340 619
Ben Hawkes 0400 369 693
Suppliers of Elite nutrition and solutions
WHETHER you own a commercial piggery, 10 sows or a pet pig, we are all part of the one com- munity – the Australian pig community.
with a pig must have a registered PIC with their local state agricultural de- partment.
Victoria, pic.agriculture.
apply for a PIC through Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade au/__data/assets/pdf_ file/0005/226643/nt-pic- registration-form.pdf
This differs in each state – PigPass has a detailed explanation of the legisla- tion in each state. Register with PigPass
To ensure that our community is protected against diseases, we must all do our part in main- taining good biosecurity on our properties.
• NSW – apply for a PIC through Local Land Services, want-to/apply-for-a-prop erty-identification-code
• Tasmania – apply for a PIC through Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment, culture/animal-indus tries/identifying-selling- moving-livestock/about- livestock-identification/ property-identification- code-(pic)-registration
Biosecurity can be simple and practical while still being cost-effective.
• Queensland – when you register as a biosecurity en- tity with Business Queens- land you will be allocated the PIC that is associated with the land where you keep your animals, busi farms-fishing-forestry/agri culture/land-management/ pic
• Western Australia – register as an owner of livestock and obtain a PIC through the Depart- ment of Primary Indus- tries and Regional Devel- opment’s Brand Office, movement-identification/ livestock-ownership-iden tification-and-movement- western-australia
The PigPass database is Australia’s national tracking system that pro- vides real-time informa- tion on all pig movements.
Here is a practical checklist for all pig pro- ducers to ensure you are doing all you can for your pigs and the Australian pig community.
•ACT–applyforaPIC through the Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate, vice/australian-capital- territory/registration-of- a-property-identification- code-pic-/32538
If you are moving pigs, you are required to fill out your PigPass Na- tional Vendor Declaration – available from PigPass – and when you are pur- chasing or moving pigs onto your property it’s your job to complete the movement history on the PigPass website.
Register for a property identification code
• Victoria – apply for a PIC through Agriculture
• Northern Territory –
Each and every property
Here are the contact de- tails to register for a PIC:
• South Australia – apply for a PIC through Depart- ment of Primary Indus- tries and Regions – note PICs require re-registra- tion every two years, pir. animal_health/property_ identification_code_pic
Every pig that will be moved, sold or processed must first be identified with a brand or NLIS ac- credited pig tag and then recorded on the PigPass database, pigpass.australi-
Whether you own a commercial piggery, 10 sows or a pet pig, we must all do our part in maintaining good biosecurity on our properties.
When do you need to use a brand or a NLIS accred- ited pig tag?
Information about how to develop a bios- ecurity plan and how you can ensure the great work you’re doing is gold standard can be found on the Farm Biosecurity pig industry webpage, farm dustry/pigs/
Register your pig brand or purchase NLIS ac- credited pig tags
Consider how you can protect your pigs from pests and diseases
Registering your pig brand (also called a tattoo) is easy, simply contact the office in which you ap- plied for your PIC.
Having a biosecurity plan for your property or being involved in the Australian Pork Industry Quality Assurance Pro- gram, managed by Aus- tralian Pork Limited, is the best assurance for your pigs.
Alternatively, NLIS ac- credited pig tags can be purchased through any ag- ricultural reseller that sells cattle and sheep tags.
Live yeast for sows and piglets
Microscopic yeast,
macroscopic effects !
LEVUCELL SB helps maintain a stable and positive microbiota and improve sow’s intestinal transit with less constipation in peri-partum. With optimized farrowing conditions and well-being, sows fed with LEVUCELL SB deliver vigorous piglets with a reduced risk of digestive troubles in newborn piglets.
T: (07) 5451 0125 | E:
The right feed for your pigs
“We are what we eat,” this old saying applies to our pigs too!
Many commercial pro- ducers possibly have nu- tritionists helping them design a productive ration, but if you only have a few pigs or maybe a pet pig, what resources are avail- able to you?
The NSW Department of Primary Industries’ Prime Fact on pig nutrition is a great place to start.
Feeding a commercial pig feed is a good way to ensure that you are matching your pig’s needs with the quality of feed.
It is illegal to feed your pigs any swill – also called prohibited pig feed.
Swill is meat, meat by- products or products that may have come into con- tact with meat.
Feeding swill is illegal as it’s a high-risk practice that can lead to outbreaks of exotic diseases such as African swine fever, foot and mouth disease and Aujeszky’s disease.
If Australia had an out- break of any of these dis- eases, the ramifications could include a total pork industry shut down, or worse, a shutdown of the sheep and cattle industries as well in the case of a FMD outbreak.
Have the number of a pig veterinarian or local district veterinarian saved
It’s always good prac- tice to ring for help if you notice any signs of illness or something unusual in your pigs.
Page 20 – Australian Pork Newspaper, October 2021
Remember good bios- ecurity will save our pig community’s bacon in the long run.