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SFMCA FeedSafe Accredited
National Farmers’ Federation annual general meeting
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• Vice President David Jochinke.
– Mr
Naturally ahead
APN would like to thank all advertisers,
producers and contributors for their support in 2018.
We also wish everyone
a safe and merry Christmas
Focused networking under way at Country to Canberra 2018. Photo: Alexandra Gartmann
Supporting our young rural women to reach their leadership potential
and happy New Year.
Page 14 – Australian Pork Newspaper, December 2018
THE annual general meeting of the National Farmers’ Federation was held in Canberra recently.
Two director positions were declared vacant by rotation.
The resulting votes saw Cattle Council of Austral- ia president Tony Hegarty re-elected and Western Australian Farmers Fed- eration president Tony York elected for the first time as an NFF Board member.
President Fiona Simson thanked outgoing direc- tor John Eastburn for his service.
“The work and accom- plishments of organisa- tions such as the NFF are only possible through the commitment of people like John,” she said.
“John’s wealth of gov- ernance and representa-
tive experience was high- ly valued by his fellow NFF Board members and the greater membership group.”
Ms Simson also rec- ognised Mr Eastburn’s more than four decades of service to Grain Grow- ers Limited, including 12 years as a Board director and a number as chair.
“John’s passion for agri- culture is unrivalled,” Ms Simson said.
“I know John will keep in touch with the NFF and I’m sure he’ll be a mentor to future NFF leaders” The 2019 NFF Board
• President – Ms Fiona Simson.
of Australia.
• Director – Mr Mark
King, Dried Fruits Aus- tralia.
• Director – Mr Derek Schoen, NSW Farmers.
• Director – Mr Tony York, WAFarmers.
• Independent Director – Mr David Carr.
• Independent Director – Ms Andrea Koch.
Members also voted on the positions of commit- tee and taskforce chairs.
Ms Simson thanked out- going Farming Systems Committee chair Chris Groves and Telecommu- nications and Social Pol- icy chair Georgie Somer- set for their contributions.
“Georgie and Chris have given a great deal of time and expertise to the NFF across two key portfolio areas,” Ms Simson said.
“I wish them all the best in their new roles as Ag- Force Queensland Farm- ers president and vice president of NSW Farm- ers, respectively.
“I welcome new com- mittee chairs Kylie Stret-
ton and Melinee Leather.”
The 2019 NFF Com- mittee and Taskforce chairs
• Economic Policy & Farm Business Commit- tee – Mr Wayne Dunford.
• Farming Systems Committee – Ms Melinee Leather.
• Sustainable Develop- ment Committee – Mr Angus Atkinson.
• Telecommunications & Social Policy Commit- tee – Ms Kylie Stretton.
• Trade Committee – Ms Fiona Simson.
• Workforce Produc- tivity Committee – Mr Charles Armstrong.
• Climate & Energy Taskforce – Mr Gerald Leach.
• Water Taskforce – Mr Les Gordon.
• Director – Ms Robyn Bryant, AgForce.
• Director – Mr Tony Hegarty, Cattle Council
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THE Department of Ag- riculture and Water Re- sources was pleased to be able to support 18 young rural women to attend the Country to
Canberra ‘Power Trip’ leadership program re- cently.
Deputy secretary Ms Cindy Briscoe said the program connected young women with influential leaders and mentors and helped them gain leader- ship skills to take back to their communities.
“Country to Canberra has empowered young ru- ral women for the past four years, providing education, leadership and mentoring opportunities to regional, rural and re- mote teenage girls,” Ms Briscoe said.
“Supporting Country to Canberra is pivotal to pro- viding rich opportunities for young rural women to connect with industry and government during a critical stage of their edu- cation.
“This is the second year the department has sup-
ported this program for these young women to promote issues affecting youth, education, rural communities and primary industries to the Austral- ian Government.
“We recognise some of the barriers these young women experience, from distance to time and funding, which can cre- ate significant challenges for these students from education to career op- portunities.
“We wish the winners all the best during their time in Canberra and look forward to building key partnerships with them in the near future.”
The Department of Ag- riculture and Water Re- sources provided more than $11,000 towards the program this year.
For more information, visit countrytocanberra.
WAFarmers president Tony York.
Attendees at the PowerTrip 2018.