Apiam embraces new era of remote consultancy
THE COVID-19 pandemic has radically changed the way we work and communicate. Remote connectivity platforms have become an essential part of maintaining business as usual and it is likely these…
DetailsTHE COVID-19 pandemic has radically changed the way we work and communicate. Remote connectivity platforms have become an essential part of maintaining business as usual and it is likely these…
DetailsAGCO Grain and Protein Australia is proud to announce it has been successful in its proposal to rebuild and modernise a massive pig farm project in Taiwan, worth $A280 million…
DetailsRECORD-breaking fundraising efforts by Aussie pork producers and Coles supermarkets may mean a cure for motor neurone disease is one step closer. During May and June, the FightMND Foundation received…
DetailsWESTERN Australia’s pork industry is targeting southern feral pig populations encroaching on pig production districts in efforts to defend itself from African swine fever and other biosecurity risks. Australian Pork…
DetailsRegional agricultural show societies across Australia will share in $20 million worth of grants to renew and reinvigorate aging showgrounds through the Regional Agricultural Show Development Grants program. Minister for…
DetailsTHE proper preparation of the gilt is the key to her successful integration in the herd for both longevity and productivity. A trend seems to be appearing in Denmark that…
DetailsAS mentioned in April’s article, the research team has continued to focus on finding ways to reduce production costs, keep our farms safe and improve our licence to operate. In…
DetailsLast time I was involved as part of a team of technical experts was over 18 years ago, and it was with about 70 food technologists. So, I called a…
DetailsTHE Australian Pork Limited team is taking the lead on several fronts in response to the rapidly evolving impact of COVID-19. APL is committed to ensuring Australian pig producers and…
DetailsAUSTRALIAN pork producers remain on alert following confirmation in the last week of March that the deadly African swine fever virus caused the deaths of hundreds of pigs in Papua…
DetailsWITH African swine fever circulating on Germany’s doorstep, German authorities are intensifying measures to keep the disease out of its national pig herd. Germany’s Minister of Agriculture Barbara Otte-Kinast announced…
DetailsDESPITE the Northern Territory government having three years, with a six-month extension, to meet the biosecurity requirements for the Port of Darwin, it has failed to hand the work in…