July 2024

July edition headlines Inquiry into pig welfare in Victoria Launch of Ramón Jamón in new brand campaign Lower cooking temperatures for tender pork Life cycle assessment published Thick piggery sludge…


June 2024

June edition headlines ABARES report reveals public pork consumption Reflecting on Food with Purpose 2024 New operating model for APRIL JEV virus in Australia Pig industry and Biosecurity Queensland join…

May 2024

May edition headlines Vic pig welfare consistent with standards elsewhere Food with Purpose 2024 Ag ministers commit to National Statement on Animal Welfare Abattoir admits responsibility for animal welfare breaches…

Australian Pork Newspaper

April 2024

April edition headlines ALMTech research opens way for new pork carcass measurements Standing firm against radical activism and upholding welfare standards in pork industry EvokeAg 2024 showcases agricultural opportunities Rebound…

March 2024

March edition headlines Ham restricted in WA schools Don’t get ham-bushed, celebrate our pork Implementing Australia’s national biosecurity strategy Miniature NIR performs well using AusScan Online Closing Loopholes Bill backroom…

February 2024

February edition headlines Targeting post-weaning diarrhoea and antimicrobial resistance Deciding on a feral pig management technique 2024 Australian pork industry outlook Applications open for John Riley Memorial Travel Award Panel…

January 2024

January edition headlines Apply for an APRIL award Industry achievements and challenges Free feeding weakest link baiting and trapping feral pigs National Farmers Federation statement on outcomes from COP28 Inquiry…