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                           Australian Pork Newspaper, March 2025 %u2013 Page 23DANIEL FISHER0434 468 644KEVIN MARKHAM0421 078 855E: Cardiff CourtCavanSA 5094PO Box 2467 Dry Creek SA 5094INTENSIVE FARMING SUPPLIES AUSTRALIADr. Avril Grieve 0438 352 443Tim Fulton 0431 075 972Amanda De Souza 0477 387 392John Reeves 0412 264 497Zoetis Australia Pty LtdLevel 6, 5 Rider Boulevard, Rhodes NSW WoeckelVeterinarianTechnical Marketing - SwineIntervet Australia Pty LtdLevel 1 - Building A, 26 Talavera Road Macquarie Park, NSW, 2113North Ryde Post Business Centre, Locked Bag 2234North Ryde, NSW, 1670AustraliaT 1800 033 461M 0437 010 683F 1800 817 414anke.woeckel@msd.comThe Science of Healthier AnimalsAndres ArdilaVeterinarianTechnical Advisor - SwineIntervet Australia Pty LtdLevel 1 - Building A, 26 Talavera Road Macquarie Park, NSW, 2113North Ryde Post Business Centre, Locked Bag 2234North Ryde, NSW, 1670AustraliaT 1800 033 461M 0458 794 535F 1800 817 414andres.ardila@msd.comThe Science of Healthier Animals your business card herecall 07 3286 1833Dearne Cowling (Vic) Tel: 0429 125 448Shane Nicholson (National) Tel: 0427 200 262Michael Pritchard MTB - BiosecurityTel: 0407 764 850 Winston Cheng (Qld) Tel: 0429 200 444Regional Sales Representatives AlltechLienertBrian Warneke (SA) Tel: 0436 193 253Vin Modra (SA) Tel: 0407 723 679Linda Scotts (NSW) Tel: 0428 972 599Bruce Lockwood (Qld)Tel: 0400 700 559185 Thomas Street(PO Box 271)Murray Bridge SA 5253P 08 8531 2700F 08 8531 2711M 0419 559 011E aaron@jacksonsaustralia.comW www.jacksonsaustralia.comAaron HinesSales & Production ManagerDesign %u2022 Engineering %u2022 FabricationBrendon CantManaging DirectorT +61 8 9430 9463M +61 417 930 536E Pty Ltd (ACN 159 299 966)PO Box 749 South Fremantle Western Australia 6162Phone: (07) 4634 7344 Mobile: 0428 474 057Freecall: 1800 242 Molloy Street, PO Box 2426, Toowoomba Queensland 4350David SinclairOperations ManagerBulk Feed Transport and Silo AerationActively buying pigs inSA, VIC, NSW & OdellChief Supply Chain OfficerM 0412 821 358E QuinnProcurement Manager Meat & Livestock M 0410 699 971E LudvigsenLivestock & Farm Assurance Manager M 0479 181 943E ANIMAL NUTRITIONAlison Leary - Technical Services ManagerMob: 0488 715 151 | aleary@lallemand.comAlex Turney - Managing Director, AUS & NZMob: 0419 005 511 | aturney@lallemand.comwww.lallemandanimalnutrition.comSPECIFICFOR YOURSUCCESSNathan Lister- Technical Services ManagerMob: 0438 190 388 | nlister@lallemand.comGreg HeeneySales Manager %u2013 Monogastric & MillingGreg.Heeney@kemin.comMobile: + 61 456 294 643Dr. David IsaacTechnical Sales Manager (ANZ)David.Isaac@kemin.comMobile: +61 455 039 478Trina ParkerCountry President (ANZ)Trina.Parker@kemin.comMobile: +64 274 872 524KEMIN (AUST.) PTY. LIMITED694 Pacific Highway, Suites 7, Killara NSW 2071, AustraliaOffice: +61 2 9844 5700Website: www.kemin.comABN: 92 115 191 056ACE Laboratory Services12 Gildea Lane Bendigo East, Vic 3550AQIS QC2 Containment Facility APVMA Licensed ManufacturerEmail: Box 6101 White Hills, Vic 3550PH : (03) 5443 9665FAX: (03) 5443 Collins BBus DipMgt GradDipEdAdvertising & Marketing ManagerP: 07 3286 1833 M: 0439 708 602E: PO Box 162, Wynnum QLD 4178%u25a0 Here%u2019s my Card %u25a0 Here%u2019s my Card %u25a0 Here%u2019s my CardPRECISION INTESTINAL NUTRITION SYNCHRONIZED FOR PIGSSome companies talk about it - at Jefo, we do it For more information, contact:Wayne Bradsha 0429 301 500 wbradshaw@jefo.comor the Here%u2019s my Card %u25a0 Here%u2019s my Card %u25a0 Here%u2019s my Card
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