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Pulled pork sliders a winning dinner
Marketing Matters
 THE ‘Get some pork on your fork’ campaign is continuing its focus on communicating easy mid-week dinner win- ners to our target audi- ence of time-poor fami- lies with children, and the new TV commercial ‘Sliders’ airs on May 1.
campaign to ensure we reach consumers all the way through to point of purchase.
  This new commercial shows an everyday family creating pulled-pork sliders at home and gives viewers the steps and lists the easy ingredients needed to create the dish while showing tantalising pulled pork that is perfect for the upcoming cooler months.
During May and June, activity with Coles super- markets will see an adver- torial placement in Coles Magazine, as well as in- store sampling of pulled- pork sliders in 178 stores across Australia.
The new ‘Get some pork on your fork’ commercial gives viewers the steps and lists the easy ingredients needed to create tantalising pulled pork sliders.
    The campaign will be airing in capital cities across Australia on free- to-air TV and radio, as well as nationally on pay
The campaign focusses on being on-air during peak moments of family togetherness, including morning and afternoon drive times on radio and peak viewing periods on free-to-air television.
The Australian Pork Limited category team has received great sup- port from various re- tailers that have aligned marketing activity to this
Butcher stores across Australia will also be promoting pulled pork with point-of-sale kits containing recipe books, posters, and stickers.
TV, catch-up TV and You- Tube.
feature national commer- cials on Spotify through targeted family friendly playlists and on radio- steaming services.
During this time, the FightMND campaign – which is supported by Coles, Coles Aussie pig farmers and APL – will also be running, and a portion of pork sales will be donated to Motor Neu- rone Disease research.
The campaign will also
 Further activity will take place with IGA in the form of free recipe booklets emailed to their 80,000 plus database and with Woolworths via Fresh Ideas magazine ad- vertorial placements and in-store stickers.
To view the new pulled- pork sliders advertising, check out Australian pork on Facebook and our new dinner winning pulled- pork recipes at au
 Home-made pulled-pork sliders are perfect winter meals.
Ashleigh Dyson
APL Brand Marketing Manager
Australian Pork Newspaper, May 2022 – Page 13

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