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Growth improvement is generally observed with the repletion of the Zn circulating pool.
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This represents one of the potential modes of ac- tion of pharmacological ZnO that corrects sub- optimal blood zinc levels.
Indeed, being a very bio- available source of zinc, its supplementation can restore piglets’ zinc blood concentration and com- pensate the risk of transi- tory deficiency during the critical phase of weaning, even when used at low and nutritional dosage – from 300 to 500g/t of feed.
Out of 151 publications on pharmacological use of ZnO in weaned piglets, 19 papers were selected for the purpose of this review.
Pharmacological dosage of zinc oxide may restore Zn status of the weaned piglet, in combination with some non-nutritional functional effects such as a local action of ZnO in the intestine through a mi- crobiota modulation.
This nutritional solution used for 10 years in Eu- rope and Asia has dem- onstrated its efficacy in a large variety of situations.
Filtering criteria were daily weight gain, blood zinc concentration at the end of 2-6 weeks studies – with focus on 2-3 weeks when possible – and ZnO supplementation levels at 2-3000mg Zn/kg com-
Given the fact that standard zinc oxide sources are generally not bioavailable for animals, it could explain why this
If you have any further queries, contact David Ca- dogan on 0409 049 793 or david.cadogan@feed or Stuart Wilkinson on 0414 487 882 or stuart.wilkinson@
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THE National Farmers’ Federation welcomes the coalition’s commit- ment of $10 million to improve farm safety outcomes, if elected, which the NFF antici- pates will include an allocation to continue the life-saving work of Farmsafe Australia.
“Farmsafe’s most re- cent work was made possible by a $1.9 mil- lion federal govern- ment grant in 2019,” Mr Mahar said.
ranked as the second most dangerous industry to work in by rate of fa- talities, with those over the age of 50 most at risk from farm-related injuries or death.
Mobile: 0448 865 525
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Farmsafe Australia, of which NFF is the secre- tariat, has been leading transformational work to achieve better farm safety outcomes.
Farmsafe’s Safer Farms 2020 report re- vealed agriculture was
Sign up to receive NFF’s policy voting guide at timetothrive.
Page 14 – Australian Pork Newspaper, May 2022
Blood zinc concentration and growth improvement correlation
WELCOME to the second Animine series of articles – part of a scientific literature re- view on the effects of pharmacological dosage of zinc oxide in weaned piglets’ diets.
plete diet.
In the first days after the
positive zootechnical out- come occurs with high ZnO supplementations.
A potentiated zinc source at piglets rescue
As per last month’s ar- ticle, medicated ZnO will be totally banned from June 2022 in the European Union, and a growing number of countries are following this lead.
This is when the risk of transitory sub-clinical zinc deficiency appears.
It is known to achieve ZnO pharmacological re- placement with a ratio of 1:5 in pre-starter and 1:10 in starter feeds, providing new alternative for ZnO ban.
As pharmacological dosage of ZnO is well known for its effect on diarrhea reduction and improved weight gain of weaned piglets, after decades of use, there still no conse pervised by Animine, a French inde- pendent supplier of poten- tiated zinc.
This one can be com- pensated by very high di- etary Zn concentrations to overcome low zinc intake.
HiZox shares common points with pharmacolog- ical zinc oxide.
The scientific program is ambitious and involves several renowned univer- sities addressing the sup- pression of pharmacolog- ical ZnO, while studying the proper supplementa- tion of the potentiated zinc source – HiZox. Relationship between blood zinc concentra- tion and piglet growth performance
Once minimum daily ingestion of zinc is achieved, blood Zn con- centration is tightly regu- lated and is stabilised by homoeostatic equilibrium.
Additionally, this nutri- tional additive presents a particular chemical and physical structure, ob- tained with a unique pat- ented process, and that provides a powerful an- tibacterial effect at low dosage to control patho- genic diarrhoea.
NFF chief executive of- ficer Tony Mahar said, “Our people are agri- culture’s most important asset.”
“The coalition’s com- mitment could super- charge Farmsafe’s ca- pacity to improve farm safety awareness and culture change across the agriculture, fisheries and forestry sectors.
“Part of the plan for agriculture to be a $100 billion industry by 2030 includes a target for zero farm fatalities by the same year.”
“We also welcome the coalition’s funding com- mitment for new activi- ties to continue the im- plementation of the Na- tional Farm Safety Edu- cation Fund Strategy.”
“We call on Labor to demonstrate a similar commitment to the safety and wellbeing of our farmers and farm workers,” Mr Mahar said.
suckling period, stress of the weaning creates ano- rexia in piglets.
As a direct consequence of the reduced feed intake, the supply of nutrients be- comes very limited for the animal.
HiZox is a potentiated zinc source for piglets manufactured in Europe.
When blood Zn level is at the plateau, the effect of ZnO supplementation on body weight gain is less clear but it is still observed.
Correlation between blood zinc concentration and growth improvement
NFF welcomes farm safety commitment from coalition
“Since then, there has been a 21 percent de- crease in farm accident fatalities.
The coalition’s pledge delivers on NFF’s Time to Thrive election plat- form to provide addi- tional funding to imple- ment the National Farm Safety Education Fund Strategy and to support the work of Farmsafe Australia.

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