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Cybercriminals targeting Australian agriculture
Pork Industry Calendar of Events
SEP 7-10 – International Animal Production Show gan-2021
SEP18-21–AllenD.LemanSwineConference (Online)
OCT 11-14 – 14th SafePork Conference 2021
NOV 15-18 – Australasian Pig Science Association (APSA) Conference
NOV 21-23 – AVAMS21, Gold Coast
How to supply event details: Send all details to Australian Pork Newspaper, PO Box 162, Wynnum, Qld 4178, call 07 3286 1833 or email:
07 3286 1833
* from P1
ment doesn’t ensure you’ll get your files back or that you’ll get the right decryp- tion key, and your payment will likely fund the devel- opment and launch of new ransomware.
posed by remote desktop use.
know the sender, take a closer look at both their address and the link itself before proceeding.
the internal network.
The default ports – port 3389 for remote desktop – can be secured at the
requires all users, even those inside the organisa- tion’s enterprise network, to be authenticated, au- thorised and continuously validating security con- figurations before being granted or keeping access to applications and data – to reduce the impact of potential security vulner- abilities.
Avast Business Antivirus has remote access shield to protect your devices from remote desktop vulner- abilities.
If anything looks ‘phishy’, steer clear.
firewall level.
If the company does not
Businesses can of course look for decryption tools thatseveralantiviruscom- panies may have for the malware, and in some cases this works, but you shouldn’t rely on it.
To defend yourself against the relentless crea- tion and assault of new ransomware strains, you should also make sure you keep your antivirus software up to date at all times.
Though common sense still works very well against phishing attacks, antivirus software can help detect infected sites and block malware, with these features getting better every year.
need the remote desktop for its daily operations, it is better to turn it off com- pletely. Backupallimportant files
It is better to protect yourself against these at- tackssystemically,specifi- cally by deploying strong security solutions that in- clude the latest malware protection features.
Most programs will au- tomatically do this for you, butforadditionalpeaceof mind, set aside a moment once a week to check for updates.
Update your operating system and your soft- ware
The absolute baseline prevention of company data loss due to a ransom- ware attack is regularly backing up.
Remove access of ad- ministrative privileges for staff that don’t require them and educate staff so they know how to browse securely, looking for the URLs padlock symbol and ‘https’ in the browser ad- dress bar, and they’re less likely to access malicious hyperlinks, visit unknown websites and are able to recognise slight changes in URLs.
Here are a few ways busi- nesses can prevent ran- somware.
Keep your antivirus software up to date
Think twice before clicking on links
Many of these updates involve security patches that are vital to preventing ransomware and other malware from infiltrating your devices.
The best way to prevent data loss is to use a com- bination of offline and on- line storage methods.
The best way to prevent ransomware attacks is to stop the malware from ac- cessing your computer or device.
Cyber-hijackers also dis- tribute their ransomware through mobile devices using text messaging and social media messenger apps.
If you’re still using an older operating system that Microsoft no longer sup- ports, such as Windows XP, you are especially vul- nerable to attack.
Encourage them to have strong passwords, ideally using different passwords for different website ac- counts, and add two-factor authentication where pos- sible, especially on admin- istrator accounts.
The first thing you should do is install an effective top-quality antivirus pro- gram with a strong ran- somware protection tool and RDP protection to address the growing risks
Don’t click links you receive from unknown contacts via SMS, email or messenger applications such as Skype, WhatsApp or Messenger.
Do yourself a massive favour and upgrade to a newer operating system.
This way, if you do get hit with a ransomware at- tack, you’re ready to re- store all your important files as soon as you remove the ransomware from your device.
Also, it is worth regu- larly getting your staff to check to make sure none of their passwords have been leaked or stolen, which is easily done by using online tools provided by security companies, such as Avast’s free Hack Check tool. Jakub Kroustek
Phishing scams are still the most popular way of distributing malware.
Save your files to one or more physical devices – external hard drives, USB flash sticks, SD cards are options to consider along with cloud storage services such as Dropbox, Box and Google Drive.
Even if you think you
You should also keep all your software up to date, particularly your web browsers and plug-ins.
As annoying as Win- dows, Apple and Android system update notices can be, you should never ig- nore them.
Having backups of all your valuable and vital files will help you in terms of damage control.
Fix your remote desktop access
Ensure employees act se- curely and trust no one
It is essential to block the remote desktop access from the internet and leave it accessible only within
It is also crucial to manage employees’ access rights and to implement the ‘zero trust’ principle – a security concept that
Avast, Malware Re- search Director
Advance notice of Australian Pork Limited AGM
THE annual general meeting of Australian Pork Limited will be held on Thursday 11 November, 2021 com- mencing at 12.30pm Australian eastern day- light savings time.
• Voting to amend the APL constitution to allow delegates to remove an APL delegate under rea- sonable circumstances
days prior to the annual general meeting.
Visit to view the current edition as a digital  ip book.
Given the uncertainties and movement restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, it is yet to be determined whether the meeting will take place at a physical venue or online.
• Ratifying the appoint- ment of two specialist di- rectors
Members will be advised of the meeting format as soon as practicable.
• Considering resolu- tions proposed to the company by members and delegates prior to the annual return date, Sep- tember 3, 2021.
If you have any ques- tions about this process, please contact APL’s cor- porate and governance liaison Nikki Watson on 02 6270 8814 or nikki. watson@australianpork.
The business of the an- nual general meeting will include:
gether with the reports of the directors and auditor in respect of year ended June 30, 2021
2021 and setting their re- muneration
The APL annual report will be made available on the APL website and rel- evant meeting papers will be circulated to members, associate members, del- egates, directors and the auditor no less than 28
• Receiving and consid- ering the financial state- ments of the company, to-
• Appointing the com- pany auditor for 2020–
• Voting to amend the APL constitution to pro- vide greater clarity on key rules
• Electing one producer director
For the purposes of de- termining a member’s voting rights, if the an- nual pig slaughter levy amount paid by a member has changed since last re- ported to APL, or if a member wishes to revoke the standing consent asso- ciated with their PigPass declaration, the member may provide a new statu- tory declaration to APL prior to the return date.
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Page 2 – Australian Pork Newspaper, August 2021

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