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A practical perspective on managing production without using zinc oxide
THE European Union has now banned the use of medicinal zinc oxide in pig production, and in last month’s article I wrote about managing this change from a veterinary perspective.
matter in wet feed to 20 feed intake
This month I would like to focus on some prac- tical management tips from production advisor Jes Callesen, which were presented at the Zero Zinc Conference held recently in Copenhagen.
In most modern pig pro- duction systems, this can be implemented reasonably easily via good manage- ment.
This has fantastic payback if they are not competing for feed.
Together, the veterinary and practical management perspectives form the basis for the production concept for weaner pigs 6-30kg – developed in Denmark be- tween veterinary company LVK and processor Danish Crown – where the influ- ence of correct manage- ment was critical to suc- cessful weaning without zinc oxide, with four key points underlining these management strategies. Diet composition
• Include blood plasma at 2-5 percent
• Correct sectioning and vaccinations – $A0.20-$A1 per pig
The results seen on farm from the increase in water intake also had a positive effect on increasing sow longevity.
Stimulate feed intake four to eight times daily by using an electrolyte solution, gruel feed, floor feeding and or milk in addition to their feed ration. Electrolyte solution
The Danish experience in diet composition – while everyone, including feeding companies, has an opinion of what is right and wrong, there are some concepts that work in reducing diar- rhoea.
• Include extra free amino acids, plus 30 percent, and extra vitiminisation, or- ganic iron and zinc
• Ensuring enough eating places – $A0-$A1 per pig
There is an additional bonus in that it easily iden- tifies sick or weak piglets in the pen, as they do not rush forward with the others for the solution.
These are:
Better management is a ‘cheap’ alternative to higher costs in feed or veterinary products to manage post weaning diarrhea.
The on-farm results of this feeding strategy have an added bonus of increasing piglet weaning weight. Post weaning strategies Activate piglets day 0-5 post weaning to stimulate
Note that if you cannot add it to the dry feeder, then use additional troughs.
• Include heat treated ce- reals at 20 percent
These are some manage- ment strategies and their relative cost to Danish pro- duction:
Stimulate the water intake of sows by reducing dry
For more details on any of the information in this ar- ticle, feel free to contact me at
• Milk product must be of high quality
News of that outbreak was reported on Saturday, July 2.
All samples tested nega- tive.
In addition, a test does not guarantee 100 percent that pigs are free from ASF.
In the meantime, the in- vestigation into the origin of the infection at the sow farm in Emsbüren is still ongoing.
As this was the first oc-
Nevertheless, all pigs
In the unlikely scenario
■ Farrowing flooring with a 10mm gap; weaners flooring with a 12mm gap; and growers flooring with a 15mm gap.
Diagonal Farrowing Crate.
Straight Farrowing Crate.
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Page 6 – Australian Pork Newspaper, August 2022
Nordic News
percent, if feed is liquid, and or distributing to 4-6 feedings evenly over 24 hours – four feeds at six- hour intervals.
Ensure there are enough eating spaces for all pig- lets – provide extra troughs if floor feeding or add an extra feeder – maximum 15-18 pigs per side of the feed hopper.
• Include fibre sources such as wheat bran, sugar beet pulp and commercial products
• Uniform age at weaning – free
Teach piglets to eat in far- rowing pens
• Ensure coarse grinding – particle size should be maximum 50 percent less than 1mm
• Feeding in the far- rowing pen – $A0.20-$A1 per pig
Feed porridge mixture on the floor from day 4, five times daily – 7am, 10am, 1pm, 4pm and 9pm.
Providing an electrolyte solution in the base of the feed hopper teaches pigs to use the feeder and drinking nipple, tastes good for pig- lets even when diluted, is cheap and has improved feed hygiene – preference to use it over milk.
• Low protein – 17.5 per- cent crude protein
• Heat control in weaning environment to correct tem- perature – free
Porridge can be made from starter feed mixed with water to a porridge consistency, then a handful thrown into the farrowing pen.
• Low acid binding ca- pacity
Give four to eight times daily for the first 3-5 days, but longer if staffing allows for it.
• Organic acids added to the water 0.2 percent and feed 1.5 percent
• Activation of the newly weaned piglets – $A0.20- $A1 per pig.
After the first few feed- ings, there should be none left on the floor, with this strategy having a more pos- itive effect than passively distributing dry creep feed in a feeder that often ends up stale or contaminated.
Better management
It is worth noting that diarrhoea inhibiting feed is $A0.60-$A1.50 per pig, therefore this claim was that better management can also have a positive impact on reducing feed costs. Pre-weaning strategies Sows must milk properly
• Cleaning and drying weaning environment – $A0.50-$A1 per pig
This is labour intensive, but it works.
African swine fever in Germany update
currence of African swine fever in pig-dense Lower Saxony – the furthest west to date – the outbreak near the town Emsbüren meant a big alarm.
NO further infection of African swine fever has been found at contact farms of the recently infected farm in the federal state of Lower Saxony, Germany.
according to Lower Sax- ony’s ministry of agri- culture.
on the contact farm were culled, as the minister did not wish to take any risks.
an infected animal would slip through the net, causing more infections, the consequences would be much bigger than culling.
One farm had recently purchased weaner pigs from the infected farm, but that farm was found to be negative for ASF,
The contact farm is located in Freren, also Lower Saxony, which had 1800 finishing pigs on- site.
Duringtesting,notevery finisher on-site could be tested for ASF.

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