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The Outback Initiatives camp pushed the partakers out of their comfort zones in a variety of ways.
Members from the Australian pork industry have been on a journey to develop their leadership skills through their involvement in the Pork Leadership Course. Rachael Bryant from APL, and Anthony Martyniuk, Zelda Nel and Sean Pollock all from SunPork.
Pork Leadership Course 2022
• External thermal and single layer blinds
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• Jake Walker from Ri- valea who wanted the opportunity to hone his leadership qualities and network with others in the industry
• Sean Pollock from SunPork who was inter- ested in building networks throughout the industry, public speaking and un- derstanding how to learn and lead
This set the Pork Leader- ship Course participants up with the ability to tell their own stories and the story of pork production in a rel- evant and engaging way.
These tours gave the Pork Leadership Course par- takers the opportunity to meet leaders from various agricultural industries and to both learn from them as well as share their own pas- sion and knowledge.
Page 8 – Australian Pork Newspaper, August 2022
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OVER the past 12 months, six members of the Australian pork industry have been on a journey to develop their leadership skills through their involve- ment in the Pork Lead- ership Course.
• Anthony Martyniuk from SunPork who was keen to become more in- volved in the industry and develop his communica- tion skills
know each other, reflect on their own leadership abili- ties and to put both existing and new skills to the test.
The participants were:
Capability Development
The third section was an industries tour that took the participants to Victoria where they were exposed to several pork industry business sites, including Diamond Valley Pork, Peter Bouchier production facility and ACE Labs.
• Cesar Gomez from Riv- erbend Pork Group who sought to enhance his in- dustry knowledge, build contacts and develop his skills as a leader
and media communica- tions
on social media and pre- paring for and engaging in interviews with the media.
The group also toured other agricultural busi- nesses, including Main- Stream Aquaculture, Teys Australia Charlton Feedlot and Deutscher’s Turkey Farm.
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•John Dowling from Grunt Pork who applied to further his leadership expertise and develop his skills in brand marketing
• Zelda Nel from Sun- Pork who was keen to learn and improve her skills alongside passionate like- mindedpeopleinorderto better mentor future leaders in the pork industry.
It also gave them the chance to network with others from the wider pork supply chain who par- ticipatedinTheLivestock Collective’s training.
The 2022-23 program will follow a similar struc- ture, so if you’re interested in developing as a leader within the pork industry or if you have an employee or colleague who you think might benefit from being involved in this program, applications are now open.
The course comprised of three sections split over several workshops throughout the 12-month period.
The second section – a camp run by Outback Ini- tiatives – was an experi- ential leadership event that pushed the partakers out of their comfort zones in a variety of ways.
The first section con- sisted of sessions run by The Livestock Collective, which gave the group in- sight into the public and consumer perception of the pork industry, then helped them to develop skills in communication, public speaking, brand building
The camp gave the group opportunities to practice and build their skills as leaders and covered lead- ership theory, particularly around ethics.
The application form can be found in APL Update, or contact Rachael Bryant at rachael.bryant@australi or on 0437 651 839.
Dr Schipp said the re- cent detection of foot and mouth disease in Indonesia, following on from an earlier outbreak of lumpy skin disease on the island of Sumatra, highlighted increasing animal disease risks in our region and the im- portance of biosecurity cooperation to protect Australia.
The Australian CVO
“As part of this visit, we’ll be gathering infor- mation on the ground with our embassy staff, including talking to the local Meat and Livestock Australia Office.
“FMD is a contagious viral disease found in cattle, sheep, goats and pigs, with severe con- sequences for animal health and agricultural
Find out more about foot and mouth disease and lumpy skin disease at mouthdisease and awe.
The camp was an excel- lent opportunity for the course attendees to get to
Applications close 9am August 29, 2022.
Officials visit Indonesia
trade,” Dr Schipp said. “Australia is already working closely with In- donesia to combat animal diseases across our re- gion, and stands ready to provide additional support to help combat and contain the FMD outbreak in Java and Su-
and DCVO met with senior officials at Indo- nesia’s Ministry of Ag- riculture to discuss the LSD and FMD outbreaks in Indonesia, and with the head of the Indonesian office of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
AUSTRALIAN chief veterinary officer Dr Mark Schipp and deputy chief veterinary officer Dr Beth Cookson vis- ited Indonesia recently tomeetwithseniorgov- ernment officials and discuss animal health and biosecurity coop- eration.
“Foot and mouth dis- ease is considered one of Australia’s biggest bio- security risks, and we’ve been working tirelessly to ensure Australia is pre- pared for any outbreak,” Dr Cookson said.
Dr Cookson said that strengthening our rela- tionships in Indonesia and sharing ‘on the ground’ knowledge will help better protect Aus- tralia from exotic pest and disease threats.
Dr Schipp also visited Indonesia and met with key officials in April.
“And we’ll have an op- portunity to discuss how we can build on existing partnerships to increase our support.”