Page 9 - Australian Pork Newspaper
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Represent the pork industry as an Australian Pork Limited delegate
After Japanese encephalitis was confirmed in piggeries earlier this year, it is important for pig owners to remain vigilant.
JEV - remain vigilant
PORK Queensland Inc president John Coward draws your attention to the Biosecurity Queens- land article below on Japanese encephalitis virus and the actions and information you need to understand.
As a pig owner, it is important to know what to do if you suspect Japanese encephalitis, and what to expect if it is confirmed in your pigs.
After Japanese enceph- alitis was confirmed in piggeries this year, it is important for pig owners to remain vigilant.
– should continue to take steps to control mosqui- toes to reduce the risk of pigs being infected with Japanese encephalitis.
ment program.
If you suspect Japa-
If you suspect the pres- ence of this disease in any species of animal, you must report it to Bio- security Queensland on 13 25 23 or contact the Emergency Animal Dis- ease Watch Hotline on 1800 675 888.
In Queensland, Japa- nese encephalitis should be considered a potential risk whenever mosqui- toes are present.
Commercial piggeries should have a compre- hensive biosecurity plan in place to prevent and manage biosecurity risks, including an effec- tive mosquito manage-
nese encephalitis in your pigs, contact your veteri- narian, who will submit samples for testing.
Read more at daf.qld.
People who own or work with pigs – in- cluding those who may have a small herd or pet
If Japanese encephalitis is detected in your pigs, Biosecurity Queensland will contact you to sup- port you to manage the risk on your property.
For further infor- mation, contact John Coward president Pork Queensland Inc on 0407 622 166.
AUSTRALIAN Pork Limited’s delegate elec- tions are now open.
they are appointed in their own right as an individual and not because of any organisational or represen- tational role.
already been elected. Also from the members’ portal, you can renew or apply for membership via the membership status section, complete a Con- sent to Act as Delegate form and vote for your
If you haven’t renewed or applied for APL mem- bership yet, you have until Tuesday September 6 to do so.
Delegates do not have to be members or directors of APL.
Once confirmed, you’ll be able to nominate and vote for your delegate to represent you.
To be elected as a del- egate, you must be nomi- nated by one or more APL members who have in ag- gregate paid an amount of pig slaughter levy as re- corded in the APL mem- bership register.
chosen delegate.
When nominating your
A l t e r n a t i v e l y, i f y o u’ r e interested in representing your fellow pig producers at an industry level, con- sider becoming an APL delegate yourself.
delegate via the portal, you are in effect allo- cating your entire levy amount to that candidate.
Delegates play an im- portant role in assisting APL to better meet the needs of members and the broader industry.
This amount must equal to or exceed the delegate levy amount determined for each election – in this case, $445,872.
Voting via the PigPass portal helps ensure your levy allocation is directed to the nominee of your choice.
All APL producer mem- bers are entitled to nomi- nate and vote for a del- egate to represent their interests more directly to APL.
If you’re interested in becoming an APL dele- gate, complete and submit the Consent to Act as Del- egate form available from au/members or via the PigPass Portal at pigpass.
If you prefer not to use the members’ portal for membership renewal, application or delegate voting, or wish to split your levy allocation across multiple delegate nominees, you can instead download the relevant forms from australian or request a copy by calling APL on 1800 789 099.
Delegates are appointed for three-year terms to represent members’ inter- ests at APL general meet- ings and other industry events.
APL encourages all potential delegate can- didates to submit their forms as soon as possible to allow producers suf- ficient time to consider voting for them.
Please note that voting closes at 5pm Tuesday September 6, 2022.
These include the bian- nual delegates forums, where delegates can pro- vide input to and find out about APL strategies and activities.
If you’re a current APL member, you can view the progress of the 2022 dele- gate elections in real time.
To enable the total pool of votes to be apportioned so that the maximum number of candidates can be elected, re-allocation of votes between delegate candidates will close at 5pm Australian eastern standard time on Sep- tember 19, 2022.
Delegates form a vital conduit for the two-way exchange of information between APL and the in- dustry and have a respon- sibility to their producer voters to be diligent in representing them in in- dustry matters.
Simply log in to the APL members’ portal via au and click on the voting progress link.
For more information, visit au/members or contact the APL membership team at members@aus or 1800 798 099.
A delegate must be a ‘natural person’ – meaning
There you’ll be able to see who has been nomi- nated and how close they are to achieving the del- egate levy amount – in- cluding whether they have
APL Membership
Leveraging your pig levy
If you’re an Australian pig producer and you’ve paid the Pig Slaughter Levy in the 2021-22 financial year, then you’re eligible to apply for or renew your APL Membership.
As an APL Member
you gain access to a range of benefits - including voting for your representative in the Delegate Elections.
Being a pig producer
or having a PigPass account does not automatically make you a Producer Member. You must complete an application.
Why? APL has an obligation
to confirm its Members’ details and eligibility for membership every three years.
How to become an APL Member
Learn more about membership and download the forms at
Complete the APL Member application.
Confirm or update your organisation information and eligibility for membership and either:
Return the completed form to APL by Monday 6 September by either:
• scan and send it by email to
• fax it to 02 6285 2288, or
• post it to PO Box 4746 Kingston ACT 2604.
Determine how much pig slaughter levy you paid from 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2022.
Example: *Pig Slaughter Levy: Number of pigs slaughtered x Levy amount $3.25 = $Levy paid.
i. give a standing consent for APL to calculate levy paid via accessing PigPass records (NVDs), or
ii. provide a statutory declaration to APL stating that you are an Australian pig producer and the amount of Pig Slaughter Levy you have paid in the relevant financial year.
Australian Pork Newspaper, August 2022 – Page 9