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                           Australian Pork Newspaper, December 2024 %u2013 Page 15AS the agricultural sector aims for zero on-farm fatalities, the launch of the Ag Safety Data Net is aiming to reinforce the collective responsibility for farm safety. The ASDN project is an initiative of the Rural Safety and Health Alliance, funded by the Cotton Research and Development Corporation, Grains Research and Development Corporation, Australian Wool Innovation, Australian Pork Limited and AgriFutures Australia.The ASDN project will develop and implement an ongoing data system that will provide meaningful metrics for farm safety planning and, for the first time, report at industry, regional, state and national levels. The project is coordinated by AgHealth Australia and will run through until June 2027.Farmsafe Australia chair Felicity Richards highlighted the urgency of addressing farm injury, particularly as harvest and hay/silage seasons approach.%u201cWe are seeing up to 40 fatalities and an increase in serious injuries on Australian farms each year,%u201d Ms Richards said.%u201cDespite this, there is no single source of truth for all key injury measures. %u201cTherefore, by centralising this information, ASDN will make it easier to highlight issues and trends more easily. %u201cTargeted solutions that will have benefits for individuals, families, rural communities and the overall productivity of farm businesses can then be prioritised.%u201cThe better we can identify and address risks, the greater chance we have of everyone returning home safely after a day at work.%u201dThis year, farm-related deaths and injuries reported in the media have exceeded those from 2023. This underscores the urgency to prevent these incidents.ASDN consolidates farm injury information at national, state and regional levels, while ensuring privacy and confidentiality. The platform will also produce measures that target the prevention of injury through practical actions that farmers can take.For more information, visit %u25a0 Here%u2019s my Card %u25a0 Here%u2019s my Card %u25a0 Here%u2019s my CardAnke WoeckelVeterinarianTechnical Marketing - SwineIntervet Australia Pty LtdLevel 1 - Building A, 26 Talavera Road Macquarie Park, NSW, 2113North Ryde Post Business Centre, Locked Bag 2234North Ryde, NSW, 1670AustraliaT 1800 033 461M 0437 010 683F 1800 817 414anke.woeckel@msd.comThe Science of Healthier AnimalsAndres ArdilaVeterinarianTechnical Advisor - SwineIntervet Australia Pty LtdLevel 1 - Building A, 26 Talavera Road Macquarie Park, NSW, 2113North Ryde Post Business Centre, Locked Bag 2234North Ryde, NSW, 1670AustraliaT 1800 033 461M 0458 794 535F 1800 817 414andres.ardila@msd.comThe Science of Healthier AnimalsActively buying pigs inSA, VIC, NSW & OdellChief Supply Chain OfficerM 0412 821 358E QuinnProcurement Manager Meat & Livestock M 0410 699 971E LudvigsenLivestock & Farm Assurance Manager M 0479 181 943E INTESTINAL NUTRITION SYNCHRONIZED FOR PIGSSome companies talk about it - at Jefo, we do it For more information, contact:Wayne Bradsha 0429 301 500 wbradshaw@jefo.comor the Collins BBus DipMgt GradDipEdAdvertising & Marketing ManagerP: 07 3286 1833 M: 0439 708 602E: PO Box 162, Wynnum QLD 4178%u25a0 Here%u2019s my Card %u25a0 Here%u2019s my Card %u25a0 Here%u2019s my CardNovember 17-19, 2025RACV City Club, Melbourne, Australia2025 Australasian Pig Science Association (Inc)SAVE THE Farrowing and weaner crates, growers and baconer pens. %u25a0 Feed hopper with stainless steel trough.%u25a0 Farrowing flooring with a 10mm gap; weaners flooring with a 12mm gap; and growers flooring with a 15mm gap.Excellent quality Concrete Slats for PiggeriesDiagonal Farrowing Crate. Straight Farrowing Crate.Ph (02) 6644 6065Mobile 0437 431 901 | Email 2 Clark Rd, Junction Hill %u2022 PO Box 421, Grafton NSW 2460Head Office: Vereyken Bros. Pty Ltd Anytime or (02) 6644 6065ABN 11 003 543 548 Mobile: 0437 431 901 Victoria: Ben Slots Phone: (03) 9462 4266 Freecall: 1800 999 245 Mobile: 0418 388 842ALL FLOORING IS MADE TO SIZE AT NO EXTRA COSTNew project to help in fight against farm injury
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