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                           Australian Pork Newspaper, March 2025 %u2013 Page 13THE National Feral Pig Conference 2025 is March 24-26 and there is still time to register to attend. The conference will officially commence with the Welcome to Country and an address by Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Julie Collins at 5pm on Monday March 24. And Queensland Minister for Primary Industries Anthony Perrett will address delegates on Tuesday March 25. A diverse and comprehensive program has been assembled to address the theme of %u2018Getting the fundamentals right%u2019. Professor Jim Hone will deliver his keynote presentation immediately following the conference opening on Monday March24. Presentations from nine invited speakers will then address the four sub-themes, supported by presentations from submitted abstracts over the following two days. Two discussion panels, comprising regional and state feral pig coordinators and land managers, have also been incorporated into the program.Thanks are extended to the conference sponsors for their generous support, particularly gold sponsor PigBaitta and silver sponsor Australian Trapping Systems.Pigbaitta, a feral pig specific feeding system, was developed by Got a Bug to make free feeding and baiting of feral pigs simpler, safer and less time consuming. It enables whole groups of feral pigs to be baited at the same time.As feral pigs are the only animal able to access the free feed in the Pigbaitta feeder, wastage is minimised. With Pigbaitta units available with 100kg and 250kg hoppers, time spent free feeding can be better managed.The feeder has also been designed to provide land managers with options of the type of bait that can be used %u2013 Hoggone, Pig-Out Econobait or grain/pellets treated with 1080 %u2013 without any risks to off-target species. Pigbaitta can also be used when trapping to attract feral pigs into the trap.Australian Trapping Systems is an Australian family owned business that operates from the Hunter Valley in NSW. ATS understands the issues that farmers, landowners and land managers face due to damage caused by feral animals to property and assets. ATS wants to help you protect your assets from feral pests so you can focus on what you do best.ATS partners with global leaders in animal trapping to offer premium products to Australian land managers %u2013 these include Hogeye, Big Pig Trap and Pig Brig, as well as their own Australianmade panel and box traps.See you at the National Feral Pig Conference 2025 in Surfers Paradise %u2013 register here: Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health Australia Pty. Ltd. Level 1, 78 Waterloo Road, North Ryde NSW 2113. ABN 53 071 187 285. %u00aeIngelvac CircoFLEX is a registered trademark of Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica GmbH. All rights reserved. AU-POR-0029-2021Your trusted partnerMore than 10 years of experience with more data than any comparable vaccineWhen you demand performance, turn to the product you trustNational Feral Pig Conference 2025THE National Farmers%u2019 Federation recently announced Troy Williams%u2019 ap- pointment as its new chief executive, effec- tive March 3, 2025.Mr Williams%u2019 leadership will focus on delivering measurable outcomes for the agricultural sector and NFF%u2019s member organisations, ensuring farmers remain at the forefront of national policy and reform.NFF president David Jochinke said, %u201cTroy is recognised for his exceptional ability to bring stakeholders together, negotiating with senior government officials, politicians and industry leaders.%u201d%u201cThis will allow him to work with the NFF Board and member organisations to create an environment in which agriculture can thrive sustainably.%u201dWith the NFF Roadmap setting out an ambitious target for farm gate output to exceed $100 billion by 2030, Troy%u2019s proven expertise in policy advocacy and navigating complex regulatory environments positions him to deliver results that matter to NFF members.%u201cOver more than two decades, Troy has been a champion for businesses in highly regulated and tradeexposed industries, addressing issues ranging from product regulation and international trade agreements to workforce planning and skills development,%u201d Mr Jochinke said.%u201cThese are exactly the challenges faced by the businesses our members represent, and Troy%u2019s experience will be invaluable in addressing them.%u201dAs the peak national body representing farmers and the broader agricultural sector, the NFF%u2019s priority is delivering real outcomes for its members. Mr Jochinke and Mr Williams emphasised the importance of working closely with member organisations to tackle critical issues impacting farmers.Mr Williams said, %u201cIt%u2019s an honour to be appointed as the NFF chief executive, an organisation with a rich legacy.%u201d%u201cI%u2019m looking forward to strengthening the NFF%u2019s connection with its members to ensure their priorities are at the heart of our advocacy.%u201cWhether it is advancing trade opportunities, addressing labour shortages or advocating for sustainable farming practices, our activity must build upon the great work that%u2019s already been undertaken to deliver practical results that empower farmers.%u201dWith a federal election looming, Mr Williams%u2019 appointment comes at a crucial time for farm advocacy.%u201cI%u2019m eager to engage with stakeholders %u2013 from Parliament to the paddock %u2013 to ensure agriculture is not only heard but prioritised in the national policy debate,%u201d Mr Williams said.%u201cThis year will be pivotal in shaping policies that secure the future of Australian farming and rural communities.%u201d Troy takes over from Tony Mahar, who served as NFF chief executive officer from 2016 to late 2024 and now serves as Australian Energy Infrastructure Commissioner. NFF appoints new chief executiveScan the QR code for more information on the National Feral Pig Conference 2025.New NFF chief execu- tive Troy Williams.
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