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                           Australian Pork Newspaper, March 2025 %u2013 Page 7HYDRO Innovations were approached by Western Sydney Meat Worx and SJ Plumbing Industries to provide a pump solution to replace the existing submersible pump operating in the abattoir%u2019s wastewater (green and red lines) collection pit.The problemThe existing submersible pump was continually blocking due to the large quantities of paunch, stomach linings, grit and other foreign materials ending up in the pit.As a result of these blockages, constant vigilance of the submersible pump was required to ensure its continuous operation.With each blockage and stoppage, the submersible pump was lifted from the pit, the impeller/suction end dismantled to remove the offending material, reassembled and returned to operation %u2013 an often lengthy, messy and difficult exercise.The solutionHydro Innovations NSW regional manager Phil Rothheudt attended the site and quickly realised this was a perfect situation for a Gorman Rupp self-priming pump.The Gorman Rupp self-priming pump would sit at the surface of the pit, not submersed, where instant safe access to the pump%u2019s internals and the blockage would be available to the operators and, due to the easy access, regular service and maintenance are also simplified, carried out at the surface.As the Gorman Rupp self-priming pump requires no foot valve (to block or leak), an open suction pipe into the liquid is all that%u2019s required %u2013 the result is a very easy pump to install, operate and maintain.Mr Rothheudt also recommended the pump be fitted with the Gorman Rupp Eradicator Solids Management System %u2013 to deal with the oftenstringy intestines, tough gut linings, undigested hay or any material that might find its way into the pump that could result in blocking, jamming or wrapping around the impeller.Gorman Rupp selfpriming pumps fitted with the eradicator system have been deployed in many abattoir sites and municipal sewerage treatment plants around Australia with excellent results.The abattoir decided to proceed with the purchase of a Gorman Rupp Super T3C60SC-B fitted with the solids management system.The resultsThe result was almost instant.Within a day of operation, the waste material that had built-up in and around the pit was steadily being pumped to the separator screen.In fact, the initial startup was so successful that an excavator was deployed to get down in to dig and loosen the heavy settled material in the bottom of the well, mixing it with the incoming flow, the pump then sending the mixture to the separator screen.If the pump ever did block or jam, it was simple to open the suction-end inspection cover, remove the offending blockage and the operators were quickly able to get back to work. For further information regarding the extensive range of Gorman Rupp self-priming pumps and the services that Hydro Innovations can offer to remedy your wastewater, sewerage, aeration and pump issues, visit the very informative website at or phone 02 9898 1800. RUGGED & RELIABLE WASTEWATER PUMPSDesigned, cast, machined, assembled & tested in the USA%u2022 Self-priming pumps are mounted above ground for easy access  and maintenance%u2022 Designed to minimise blockages%u2022 Pumps rags and stringy materials with %u2018eradicator%u2019 technology%u2022 Does not require multiple personnel to maintain.No more blockages for western Sydney meatworks after Gorman-Rupp pump upgradeWithin a day of operation, the Gorman Rupp Super T3C60SC-B, fitted with the solids management system, had waste material pumping steadily to the separator screen.FINANCIAL assis- tance is now available to primary producers affected by high rain- fall and flooding in north and far north Queensland.Financial assistance available includes:%u2022 Exceptional Disaster Recovery Assistance Grants, up to $25,000%u2022 Concessional loans up to $250,000%u2022 Essential working capital loans up to $100,000%u2022 Freight subsidies of up to $5000%u2022 Coordinated emergency fodder support package.Support is available.Information on grants and loans eligibility requirements can be found on QRIDA%u2019s website %u2013 regularly for updates on shire extensions or funding. For the most current information related to your circumstances contact QRIDA on 1800 623 946.For information on freight subsidies and fodder support, visit the Business Queensland website by scanning the QR code below.The Rural Financial Counselling Service can help you apply for government financial assistance and other rural financial counselling advice on 07 4652 5669.A primary production industry support package has also been announced to support the sector%u2019s medium to long term recovery and help build resilience. Support includes funding for specialised industry recovery and resilience officers, financial counsellors, wellness coaches, psychologists and a specialised agronomist.A coordinated emergency fodder support package is also available to assist with the cost of purchasing and transporting emergency fodder to primary producers in areas worst impacted by the event.Visit the Business Queensland for information on how to look after your crops, pasture, machinery and animals after a disaster. Financial assistance available for north Queensland floodsScan for the Business Queensland website.
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