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Vietnam suspends ASF vaccine
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  VIETNAM has tempo- rarily suspended the use of its first home-grown African swine fever vac- cine after dozens of pigs inoculated with a dose died.
agriculture ministry.
An official has stated that a working group will travel to the province to investigate the deaths of
rope and Asia and has killed hundreds of mil- lions of pigs.
raising industry and pig production globally.”
The pigs were among about 600 at several farms in the central province of Phu Yen that were injected with the vaccine devel- oped by Navetco – a com- pany owned by Vietnam’s
Navetco had not released a comment.
The outbreak has so far this year spread to 753 areas in 47 provinces in Vietnam, leading to the culling of 36,500 pigs.
Its safety and efficacy were confirmed by the Agricultural Research Service under the US De- partment of Agriculture.
 Pigs at a farm outside Hanoi in Vietnam in June 28, 2019. Photo: Reuters Kham
“With immunity lasting six months, the vaccine will be a shield for hog-
Though the swine fever outbreak has subsided in Vietnam – allowing farmers to rebuild hog herds – the virus is still hurting farms in various countries around the globe.
the pigs.
At the time of writing,
It was first detected in Vietnam in 2019 and forced the country to cull around 20 percent of its hog herd the following year.
The vaccine had been in development since No- vember 2019 in partner- ship with US experts, with five clinical trials held.
African swine fever is harmless to humans but often fatal to pigs.
“This success opens great expectations, and the room to export Af- rican swine fever vaccine produced in Vietnam is huge,” Minister Tien said.
It originated in Africa before spreading to Eu-
In June, Vietnam an- nounced it had success- fully developed a vaccine to administer to pigs to fight African swine fever, with the aim of becoming the first country to com- mercially produce and ex- port it.
In a statement at the time, deputy agriculture minister Phung Duc Tien said, “This is a milestone of the veterinary industry.”
The agriculture ministry had earmarked 600,000 doses of the vaccine for domestic use from July this year.
  Industry workforce essential to viability
THE industry’s workforce is essen- tial to its viability and future success, and as significant labour and skills shortages continue to bite, many busi- nesses and industry groups are focused on how to address the problem in the short and long term.
which links to APL resources.
The Federal Gov- ernment will hold a Jobs and Skills Summit on Sep- tember 1-2, where Australian Pork Limited will provide input to agriculture’s representation via the National Farmers’ Federation.
This was reinforced by research presented by AgriFutures on trust and community perceptions of agri- culture – appealing to the drivers of trust, essential for work- force engagement.
This follows a vir- tual Queensland Ag Workforce Summit held on August 3-5, which brought to- gether experts, agri- business and regional workforce represent- atives to share strate- gies for attracting, re- taining and training workforce.
Examples were shared where com- panies improved at- tractiveness and staff satisfaction by refo- cusing values and in- itiatives to align with those of the staff, as opposed to being purely customer fo- cused or simply what human resources or management thinks is a good idea.
The summit ac- knowledged current labour market chal- lenges and associated issues with accom- modation and other regional development constraints.
Other strategies that yielded results were job redesign to offer more time flexibility, autonomy, rewards and recognition.
Many local and industry responses were shared in- cluding the Darling Downs local jobs program, Western Queensland Alliance of Council’s focus on housing shortages and successful work placements.
Skilled migration and the need to re- position Australia as a destination of choice is important, and an online pres- ence and ‘brand’ that supports these work- force sourcing efforts is too.
It also covered school engagement, including the new Ag Career Start gap year program.
Recognising the need to support people through chal- lenging times, Dr Kate Gunn presented on the iFarmwell toolkit – a valuable wellbeing resource for farmers.
A PL has long been a supporter of the Primary Industries Education Founda- tion of Australia, whose chief execu- tive officer Luciano Mesiti showcased Career Harvest –
For further infor- mation, contact APL policy manager An- gela Bradburn at angela.bradburn@ au
A consistent mes- sage from experts focused on the im- portance of having a strong ‘brand’ and the power of story- telling in delivering successful job adver- tisements, staff satis- faction and retention.
 Angela Bradburn APL Policy Manager
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Australian Pork Newspaper, September 2022 – Page 11
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