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Stockyard Industries tech services team
 STOCKYARD Industries has an experienced team of trained technicians ready to assist your farm and increase productivity.
locked in technicians for pe- riodic servicing throughout the year – which has proven to be very beneficial.
maintenance services
• Bring a wealth of know- ledge gained from years of farm visits and able to problem solve and provide
the clock to get the job done, the Stockyard Indus- tries technical team has a commitment to customer service and is invested in keeping up to date with worldwide trends.
ually improve our industry. The Stockyard Indus- tries technical team is al- ways available to support customers with inquiries, breakdowns, installations, maintenance, training, testing and commissioning. Contact our team directly – Jude Parfitt 0427 583 997, Shane Daykin 0427 164 705, Jade Grundmann 0488 013 407 – or the Stockyard Industries office on 0417
665 299.
Located around the country, Stockyard Indus- tries technicians are on call and offer telephone support for technical questions and emergencies, as well as vis- iting your farm in person.
Jude Parfitt is based in Queensland and has been a qualified electrical con- tractor specialising in the farming industry for over two decades.
• Specifically trained in
Aware its customers need excellent pig equipment and pig feeding systems that are efficient and reliably meet all the requirements of their farm, Stockyard Industries have a solution for any farm in every part of Australia, and the service doesn’t stop at product purchase.
Shane Daykin lives in the Adelaide Hills and has been in the industry for 35 years, and with Stockyard Industries for 13.
• Can train farm staff on various products, equip- ment and control systems.
The shed climate is char- acterised by temperature, humidity and air speed while animal weight gain is aligned to feed quality and quantity.
• Commissioning and servicing of pig farm equipment
These parameters can be monitored and controlled by specific electronic tech- nical farming equipment and Stockyard Industries technical staff have the skills and experience to maintain these products and systems at optimal running performance year- round.
• Knowledge and experi- ence with equipment used to control ventilation, cli- mate, feed and alarm sys- tems
Regular servicing
• Online support, in- cluding in many instances the ability to dial into sys- tems remotely
Ensuring equipment is cal- ibrated, working efficiently and adjusted depending on the season can be critical for farm production.
• An understanding of the Australian industry codes of practise and guidelines
Our technical team is available to attend farms for servicing as the weather and conditions change.
• Experienced with con- trol panels and equipment installations
Many customers have
• Able to attend site for quarterly, half yearly or annually scheduled
Meet the team
Jade Grundmann is based near Geelong in Victoria and has been servicing pig- farm customers and equip- ment for over 10 years.
• Fifty-plus years of expe- rience in the Australian pig industry
• Common-sense ap- proach to resolving equip- ment and ventilation issues through sound recommen- dations
• On-call phone support and fault finding
Big Dutchman farming equipment
Our technical staff are off to Malaysia soon for further training on new and emerging technol- ogies.
A passionate and dedi- cated group of people who often work around
This knowledge and skill will be brought back to the Australian market to contin-
Stockyard Industries technical service team Shane Daykin, Jade Grundmann and Jude Parfitt.
             Much safer and much easier to maintain.
 (02) 9898 1800
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Australian Pork Newspaper, September 2022 – Page 9

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