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     Gorman-Rupp pump improves pig-waste recycling efficiency
         For all your livestock needs
Provides high quality products. Delivered on time. At competitive pricing. Supported by the best available technical service in animal and livestock nutrition.
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Suppliers of Elite nutrition and solutions
MIDWEST Piggery has been breeding pigs for over 30 years.
ager Mat Collier said, “We collect the pig waste in what we call sump pits.”
holding dam, the piggery was using three market- leading helical-rotor pumps – also known as progressive cavity pumps.
new stator cost about $1000 and, because the pumps were choking and burning out with in- creasing regularity, the cost to replace the stator was also rising.
piggery’s requirements, Hydro Innovations sug- gested that Mat install a Gorman-Rupp T2A3- B wastewater pump fitted with a 4kW motor – a compact model that would provide both the flow and pressure that Mat needed.
A mid-sized enterprise, the piggery raises the an- imals and then sells them to market.
“The effluent is then pumped from the sump up to a holding dam.
Located at ground level and attached to a suc- tion lift, the pumps were proving increasingly in- efficient and costly to maintain.
As part of the piggery’s recycling philosophy, all pig waste is collected and broken down before being used as fertiliser on the grounds.
“It then moves progres- sively through a series of dams before the effluent is eventually ready for use as a fertiliser.’
In one year alone, the piggery had spent about $10,000 on new stators.
Midwest Piggery prin- cipal partner and man-
To move the pig waste from the sump to the
Coincidentally, Mat’s father-in-law had previ- ously read an article on Hydro Innovations and the Gorman-Rupp pumps that it supplied, drawing Mat’s attention to it.
 The Gorman-Rupp T2A3-B saves Midwest Piggery both time and money.
The process proved not only time intensive, it was also very costly.
“So, coming across a supplier that was happy to let the pump prove itself before I bought it was great.”
The removable rotating assembly allows the shaft to be inspected or replaced simply by loos- ening four bolts from the drive end of the pump, eliminating the need to disturb the pump casing or piping.
The problem
“After we bought the helical-rotor pumps, we quickly discovered that they have a very fine tol- erance,” Mat said.
Fed up and frustrated with the helical pumps, Mat started to search for a far more efficient solu- tion.
According to Hydro In- novations general man- ager Garry Grant, the Gorman-Rupp T2A3-B is a rugged self-priming centrifugal solids-han- dling pump.
“The suction hose started to block continu- ously and, if the pumps ran dry, the motor would burn out and the rubber stator would melt.
After reading the ar- ticle, the trial period that Hydro Innovations was happy to provide prospective customers particularly appealed to Mat.
Very easy to maintain, the pump has an external removable flap valve that can be removed and inspected without the inconvenience of dis- connecting the piping or draining the pump casing.
“Not only did we have to remove the choke, we had to replace the stator, which was incredibly awkward and frustrating.
In addition, if any choking does occur, the pump can be easily and quickly unclogged via the removable cover plate.
“Getting to the stator was difficult enough, then we had to literally peel away the melted rubber that had stuck to the equipment.
The solution
“Every time we had to clear the choke and re- place the stator, it took a good 3-4 hours of our time.”
“Having paid and used a series of pumps – in- cluding submersible ones in the past – I didn’t want to spend any more money on pumps that could not do the job,” Mat said.
The design of the pump also allows users to ad- just the clearance exter- nally to ensure optimum performance without having to pull it apart.
According to Mat, a
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                                     Garry was more than happy to have Mat trial the pump for 90 days, however within 60 days, Mat was convinced the Gorman-Rupp T2A3-B could do the job effec- tively and purchased the pump.
The results
“Within two months of having the pump in- stalled at the piggery, I knew it was capable,” Mat said.
“It moves more liquid than the previous pump and is extremely easy to maintain, which for me is the major bonus.
“The open impeller de- sign makes it very simple to remove any blockages.
“I only have to loosen two bolts to get inside the pump and clear it, which takes me just 15 minutes.
“And, of course an added bonus is that we no longer have to waste money purchasing sta- tors.”
So impressed was Mat with the performance of the Gorman-Rupp T2A3-B, he purchased a second pump and is now considering a third pump.
“It’s great to see there are still suppliers that will stand behind their products and let you trial them before buying,” Mat said.
“If Hydro Innovations hadn’t let me trial the pump, I doubt I would have bought it upfront because I have been burnt so many times be- fore.
“After all my nega- tive experiences, the Gorman-Rupp T2A3-B is far more than I hoped for.”
 Page 8 – Australian Pork Newspaper, September 2022
For further informa- tion, contact Hydro Inno- vations on (02) 9898 1800 or sales@hydroinnova

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