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                           Australian Pork Newspaper, October 2024 %u2013 Page 7AJ Bush & Sons op- erates the largest ca- pacity rendering fa- cility in Australia at its processing facility in Bromelton, Queens- land, where it manu- facture nutrient-rich protein meals, tallows and oils.The factory effluent is rich in organic material, which is treated via anaerobic digestion and aerobic treatment processes, with treated water used to irrigate pasture surrounding their facility.The optionsWhen Plant Engineering Manager, Byron Boyers, wanted to upgrade his pond aeration system to a better and safer system, he spoke to Hydro Innovations about their EchoStorm venturi aerators from Gorman-Rupp.These aerators use a self-priming pump to draw water from the source to be treated.It is then pumped at pressure through the EchoStorm which adds dissolved oxygen to the water and %u201cconditions%u201d it as it accelerates at more than 16m per second through the unit.The benefits of EchoStorm bankmounted aeratorsMr Boyers was keen to try a unit because access to the EchoStorm for maintenance is easy and safe, with all equipment able to be mounted on the pond bank.It also helped that he already had a selfpriming Gorman-Rupp pump he could utilise for the project.His effluent pond is 200x40x4m deep, with an inflow of 2ML per day.The resultByron purchased a 4%u201d VA4-550 EchoStorm unit for the job, hooked the unit up to his Gorman-Rupp pump, designed a floating suction arrangement to keep the suction line off the bottom and fired it up.He took a photo of the unit as it started and was so impressed with the results just six hours later, he took another photo to send to Darren Jones of Hydro Innovations.EchoStorm units are available in four sizes - 2%u201d, 3%u201d, 4%u201d and 6%u201d and can improve safety and reliability as well as reduce maintenance costs when compared with other aeration systems.Visit Hydro Innovations at for more information. INNOVATIVEDAF PUMPIMPROVEDEDUR Multiphase PumpAdvantages:%u25a0 Reduce Energy Costs%u25a0 Reduce Maintenance Costs%u25a0 No Compressor%u25a0 No Air Saturation Vessel%u25a0 No Complicated ControlsInflow WastewaterAirFlotate Solids EffluentSolution LineEDUR SYSTEMAerator upgrade for AJ Bush & SonsBefore and after photos of the Echo-Storm at anyone looking to improve hygiene on farms.This site has introduced a strict pig care program into their nursery system which includes regular ATP swabs to monitor cleanliness and ensure their pigs have a healthy environment from a young age.Following a recent overseas trip to Europe, which included a tour of MS Schippers Netherlands facilities, Windridge Farms general manger, Peter Hanna, introduced TopFoam to their farm after seeing firsthand how impressive it was.Being a large-scale operation, Windridge Farms opted to use TopFoam through the Greenline Mobile Trolley delivery mechanism.This application method is through a 22kg drum and applies the product through a venturi system to dose the foam at a set concentration rate which, like the HyBag, eliminates any risk of mixing pure product.The trolley is simply wheeled into each shed, plugged into a high-pressure line and is ready for use.%u201cSince the introduction of MS TopFoam, our ATP swab results have been impressive,%u201d Peter said.%u201cOften the reading is close to zero, which demonstrates how well TopFoam performs.%u201cWe are also saving hours of labour each time we complete a wash, so we are very happy with the product,%u201d he said.For further information, or to discuss how MS TopFoam can assist you achieve great hygiene results and save you time and money, contact a member of the Stockyard Industries sales team today. MS TopFoam cleaning agentThe Greenline Mobile Trolley delivery mechanism is used for safe and easy cleaning on larger farms.* from P6
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