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                                    Page 16 %u2013 Australian Pork Newspaper, November 2024 Australasian Pork Research Institute Ltd is seeking applications for its Innovation Pro- jects scheme, for com- mencement in 2025.An independent participant-based entity, APRIL seeks to enhance the Australian pork industry by investing in research and development, education and training, and commercialisation activities focused on priorities and deliverables that ensure the sustainability of Australian pork production and to generate optimal returns for its stakeholders.APRIL%u2019s Innovation Projects are negotiable to 12 to 18 months in duration and have a budget of approximately equal to $75,000 (negotiable). In this round, APRIL is willing to invest in projects that address these key priority areas for the pork industry, as identified in the 2023 Green Paper:%u2022 Low-cost, non-straw, effluent-friendly evidence-based enrichment options for use at all phases of production to improve welfare%u2022 Objective measures of odour and its application to both new and established piggeries%u2022 Limiting the use of in-feed antibiotics and enhancing the effectiveness and efficacy of water medication %u2013 in accord with the Australian Strategic and Technical Advisory Group on Antimicrobial Resistance%u2022 Enhancing antimicrobial stewardship.However, APRIL is willing to receive applications in any field/discipline that suitably address the criteria for Innovation Projects %u2013 refer to application form.For assistance with the preparation of an application, refer to the %u2018Guidance Notes for Innovation Project Proposals%u2019, as it provides further and specific detail on project proposals under APRIL%u2019s new participant model. For example, APRILfunded Innovation Projects may still require a cash contribution to cover project costs and facility funding, dependent on the level of participation the organisation/s has/have within APRIL%u2019s new participant model %u2013 refer to the %u2018Cash Contribution Calculator%u2019.Up to $750,000 will be available for this round of Innovation Projects.The Innovation Projects scheme is provided on a nationally competitive basis and available to applicants from any organisation. Collaborative projects are strongly encouraged, though applications must identify a lead party that will administer the project. All APRIL funding schemes are assessed, evaluated and recommended for funding by the Research and Development Advisory Committee, which has the collective expertise and experience to effectively assess applications. If approved, research scheme funds are paid directly to the successful lead party.Funding rules for Innovation Projects stipulate that no overhead %u2013 indirect cost recovery %u2013 can be charged. Innovation Projects are conducted under the terms and conditions of the APRIL Research Deed, that can be viewed at individual is ineligible to be considered for a new research project as project leader if, and without an approved and fully signed project variation, there are two or more consecutive quarterly project reports and/or cash expenditure reports that are overdue. Furthermore, an individual is ineligible to be considered for a new research project as project leader if, and without an approved and fully signed project variation, a final report is more than three months overdue.For any further information or any questions, contact executive officer Dr Charles Rikard-Bell on or 0439 513 723.To apply for an APRIL Innovation Project, click on the QR code below, complete the relevant proposal form and the budget and milestones template and email to Dr Charles Rikard-Bell at by the applications close date, December 13, 2024.It is anticipated that funding for successful projects will commence prior to July 2025, subject to APRIL Board approval. APRILfor living farm building surfaces A specific blend of highly concentrated live bacteria Helps install a positive biofilm on farm building surfaces after cleaning and disinfectionHelps improve the microbial environment for safe animal production Helps reduce the risk of health issues due to the harmful microorganisms and negative biofilms.POSITIVE BIOFILMPartnering in microbial solutions for a changing world.Using sound science, proven results and knowledge from experience, Lallemand Animal Nutrition helps our customers and industry partners be more successful %u2013 and animals lead healthier lives.Lallemand Animal Nutrition provides a full range of specific, natural microbial products, services and solutions that improve animal wellbeing and performance while respecting animals, people and the environment.Not all products are available in all markets nor associated claims allowed in all regions.Contact us on (07) 5451 0125 | LAN-Aus@lallemand.comA MEETING of the Pacific Heads of Veterinary and Animal Production Services network was held in October to further support the development of regional agricultural capacity.The meeting covered coordinating and strengthening animal health and production, biosecurity, veterinary capability and capacity, disease surveillance and preparedness, animal welfare, One Health approaches, climate resilience, and food and nutrition security in the Pacific.It was funded by the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry and was delivered in partnership with the Pacific Community and the World Organisation for Animal Health.Australia%u2019s chief veterinary officer Dr Beth Cookson attended the meeting with representatives from the department%u2019s Pacific Engagement Program for Animal Health.%u201cAnimal production is central to the culture, economy and food security of Pacific nations,%u201d Dr Cookson said.%u201cStrengthening Pacific animal health, production and biosecurity improves food security, nutrition and livelihoods, and protects our region from animal disease threats.%u201cAs a standing member of the PHOVAPS Council, I am committed to growing the network%u2019s capacity and impact.%u201cSupporting the network will help us to strengthen our relationships across the Pacific, and to maintain Australia%u2019s reputation as a trusted partner to ensure the shared security and prosperity of our region.%u201dThe gathering in October was the second face-to-face meeting since the network was re-established in 2021.The network is the Pacific%u2019s key decisionmaking structure and coordination mechanism for regional animal health, welfare, production and biosecurity matters.It includes representation from all 22 Pacific Island countries and territories, as well as Australia, New Zealand, the UK, the US and France. Support for Pacific region animal healthAPRIL Innovation Projects openDr Beth Cookson met with other representatives of the PHOVAPS Council.
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