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For the past 10 years, the results from our Australian PorkMark Ham Awards have provided a platform for public relations activity to celebrate the quality of Australian ham leading into Christmas.
Each week around 3.35 million kilograms or $16.5 million worth of imported pork arrives in our country, directly competing with Australian pork products.
This will be achieved through three steps.
With COVID-19 restric- tions in effect, the judging for the awards could not go ahead this year, so APL looked at different ways to generate product aware- ness.
In response to this – and given the availability of plenty of Australian ham thissummer–wehaveen- gaged in increased social media activity, public rela- tions, and media and influ- encer outreach to further
First, APL is working to educate consumers on the importance of choosing Australian pork and in turn supporting local industry, our farmers, quality, sus- tainability via news media outlets.
We know through re- search that most consumers
We’re also helping mo- tivate consumers to buy
Vol 24. No. 12 December 2020 Australian Pork Newspaper PO Box 162 Wynnum 4178 Phone (07) 3286 1833 Email
Strategic plan to support industry priorities and vision
Point of View
AS Australia’s pork industry rounds out an extraordinary year, I want to thank producers for their strong support of Aus- tralian Pork Limited throughout 2020.
to keep supply chains open and our employees in work has ensured Australian pork has de- livered vital protein to consumers and much- needed lifeblood to the economy.
Australian pork has faced the challenges of COVID-19 supply chain disruptions and the ongoing threat of African swine fever with determined resil- ience.
two-way dialogue with levy payers is funda- mental to APL’s success and will be pivotal in guiding the wide range of work APL under- takes in creating oppor- tunities aligned in our strategic plan.
been strengthened over the course of 2020, with the roll-out of organi- sational renewal tar- geting the delivery of impactful marketing, research and policy.
Our industry has sup- ported out-of-work hospitality workers via our Hospo4Hospo ini- tiative and worked with the Federal Govern- ment and Foodbank to supply Australian pork to those members of the community struggling to put food on the table.
APL draws a great deal of strength from the perseverance and entrepreneurial grit of producers and supply chain businesses.
In response to COVID-19, our in- dustry has consolidated its reputation as a proud torchbearer for Aus- tralian agriculture.
All the while, we con- tinue to play a leading role in work taking place across a number of agricultural sectors, including biosecurity, food labelling, activist trespass and on-farm
Our industry’s agile approach to change puts us on solid footing for 2021 and beyond.
APL’s functionality needs to support the in- dustry’s priorities and vision.
As highlighted at APL’s annual meet- ings with producers on November 18-19, APL’s 2020-2025 Stra- tegic Plan sets out our method for sustainable industry growth by em- bracing change.
This capacity has
Our combined efforts
* continued P2
By driving research, innovation and tech- nology, APL can help uphold an industry- wide mindset that seeks out transforma- tive change and as such, retains greater control over the future of Aus- tralian pork.
Responding to COVID-19-related is- sues and ongoing ASF mitigation measures has helped us gauge op- portunities for APL to enhance producer en- gagement.
Effective and timely
Hamming it up for Christmas
Marketing Matters
CHRISTMAS 2020 is set to be a big opportunity for Australian pork and ham, with festive season holidays to be taken on our shores rather than overseas.
Australian ham, a mouthwatering Christmas inspiration.
In the November edition, I outlined Australian Pork Limited’s Christmas plan for roast pork, and so this month I wanted to shift focus to our ham cam- paign.
are unaware they may be buying ham or bacon made from imported pork.
educate consumers on the existence of imports, and how to look for ham made with Australian pork.
* continued P4
Phone: 07 4697 3344 • Fax 07 4697 3532
Merry Christmas & a happy New Year
to all our valued customers from the Stockyard Industries team
Steve Clohesy 0427 733 141
Cam Ross 0488 045 388
Joe Oliveira 0437 322 446
Stockyard Industries 54 King Street,
Clifton QLD 4361
07 4697 3344

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